Category without bugs
6 years ago
Kentucky, USA

But... there isn't really any glitches or bugs in the runs to my knowledge. This topic can spark a lot of debate that doesn't really need to happen.


I think it's all about some tricky jumps, like Basaran leg launch, which may be considered as exploit by someone, which allows to skip some gameplay boss mechanics.

California, USA

well, IF we can get into the secret room that has the Dorman sword then yes we may have a glitched catagory so if that is a thing we'll probably just separate it if it is popular enough

Ohio, USA

So instead of glitchless/without bugs, how about suggesting "intended strategy" category? Bugs and glitches are sort of hard to define.

Kentucky, USA

I believe this conversation was made before, but there wasn't enough interest, or.. something. I double checked to make sure, and this suggestion was made in the past on another thread in this forum. There was also a survey done a while back regarding all this that wasn't kept secret. I remember people saying they weren't against the idea of an Intended Strats category, but weren't interested in running it themselves. I could be wrong, but this is what I remember.

coolestto and gooperman like this
United States

I was actually thinking of this category as well. Thought it would be interesting to see a "Fight this colossus the way it was meant to be fought" category. Like hiding from Phaedra and using the geysers on basaran etc. I think it would be interesting and fun to see =)

California, USA

I'd be interested in running Intended Strats, but I would prefer a category for Mirrored. Are we planning on having a category for that once the new board gets approved?

Lancashire, England

and this is where Basaran comes in to fuck up your mostly good run

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Not quite "NEWS", but people asked for better visibility for them and since we currently have no way of actually adding a TAB, here is another way to find them.

1 year ago