Can we use PvP Clients?
3 years ago
Texas, USA

So, I want to be safe, but I am currently trying to speedrun Any % Glitchless Set Seed and Random Seed 1.16. And I want to use the Astral Client and the texture pack of PatarHD 80k Pack. Is this allowed or against the rules? It’s better safe then sorry.

Well, astral provides an advantage by making some parts of the UI clear. patar80k also provides an advantage by making swords smaller. if you really want to boost fps just turn down your render distance.

Texas, USA

Yes... but does it rlly help me have a better speedrun time?


Is it purely UI improvements and it doesn’t interfere with the developer’s intend?

@XudusX being able to take in your surroundings more effectively is a massive part of speed running

Edited by the author 3 years ago
New South Wales, Australia

In my opinion I wouldn't want to risk it. I think all speedruns should be done using the vanilla client although texture packs that don't give any type of advantage are allowed.

European Union

The kinds of differences between the custom and vanilla client is important. If its just improvements to the UI, then its fine. But if its affecting gameplay then most likely not. Best to take some screenshots and ask in our discord.

Texas, USA

Tysm for the answers. Just to be careful.”, I will use vanilla. (I don’t want to cry if my speedrun get denied cause of a texture pack lul)

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