5 years ago
British Columbia, Canada

Neat! I did not know you could do that. Seems interesting with all the menuing right from the start, and a quick, fun and dirty category. Would be fun to do a sort of race with this, race for an hour or two with multiple tries, or set number of tries, and see who gets the fastest time within that time

I just did a few runs, fastest time I've got so far is 10:03 with a frozen orb/static field build, and skip shopping for a belt. Get lucky with drops, hopefully, move on without it, just requires more potion management

I did Amazon in about 15 minutes, too

British Columbia, Canada

LOL just found a magic wand during shopping, 8:19 now. I should start recording these

British Columbia, Canada

Magus wand* but yeah, 7:06 now :D recorded it this time, I'll have to find some time to upload it somehow (I'm abroad right now)

This is a surprisingly fun category to run, other classes should be fun to explore!

British Columbia, Canada

Did a run of all classes:

Sorceress: 7:06, found a Magus wand. Orb/static main spells

Paladin: 15:31, hammerdin, all extra points into vigor, 1 point into charge. could be improved with Magus wand or teleport staff

Druid: 19.26. windy. pretty bad time tbh. Could be improved with tele staff and magus

Barbarian: 22:34, war cry. I found a tele staff. Maybe could be improved with concentrate if a crushing blow weapon is found, for fighting Baal because that was the longest part, or a Magus wand

Assassin: 15:20 , lightning Sentry, burst of speed. Only real improvement could be a tele staff

Necro: 18:09, found a Magus staff. Bone spear, Golem/iron maiden for Baal. Could find teleport staff

Amazon: 16:33, charged strike. Found a +jav skills javelin. Tele staff or +attack speed javelin could help

All these are just rough tries and proofs of concept, could be greatly optimized