Moy's World Glitch
2 years ago

If you ride a vertical platform and exit the level while riding it, then select a level, you will be warped from the starting position.

Watch the video here:

FernandaE047 likes this

New Discovery: Different vertical moving platforms with different y positions will warp you to different places. Watch the video here.


Omg, this is amazing, so much potential, this game can get an speedrunning revival


I know a Glitch I never was able to replicate, sometimes the moy will get stuck in a bounce state and will bounce on every type of ground


I think you can replicate that. Moy's World has the ability to buffer moves, like jumping, so you can hold jump while you are not on the ground, then when moy hits the ground, moy will jump. And with lag, sometimes, moy will jump repeatedly. Watch here:

FernandaE047 likes this

Sorry for the background noise


It didn't happened yet, he starts jumping in the ground without any input