Load Times don't count, so
8 years ago
United States

in order to keep things simple, I put the leaderboards back under Full Game format. It doesn't make sense to have a million leaderboards if platforms are comparable.

Seoul, South Korea

well some runs are missing or not being updated to the fastest run / version.. gonna watch over it and try fix much as posible.

Seoul, South Korea

timer is stopped in door animations and resets if getting killed to the last door sequence

Seoul, South Korea

I would btw. highly voice out how really i cannot understand why you just decided without discussing doing these changes. Just based on time-stop in loading-screens is not a good decision for that game.

PC and PS version are different. In fact, the PC Version includes the Playstation Version as Arrange-Mode. The PC Version is called "Original Mode"

Some Codes are different and many items are placed differently between those Versions.

Now while this didnt seems much of a deal - however we have to think about the best possible time / scenario, and different code combinations can result in slower / faster times, even if its just 2 or 3 seconds.

To have a fair "apples to apples" comparision now , the only next thing to do is to "force" all PC Runners to use ArrageMode instead of OriginalMode.

I just wanted to voice-out that i think its kind of rude that you do such a change on your own without discussing specially since you lately dont really race this game that much. 1 of my runs were completly removed for NoWeapon and i had to readd the run when the change happend. Its kind of unfortunate

But well, changed were made, to late now anyways - dont know if you even care, but still wanted to point this out

United States

I don't think it's necessary to nitpick over 2 or 3 seconds. If you want those 2 or 3 seconds, just run on the fastest version/mode of the game. Why do we need that many leaderboards when 99% of runners will just default to the faster language/mode anyway? We don't have to force them to play with US/EUR passcodes.

Let's look at the facts, Dodi - none of the routes that anyone uses actually took advantage of differentiation in item placement. If they did, then they picked up items in excess. The most optimal route, whether it's US or JPN, always used the same items. When people started running this game, everyone watched the fastest videos and used the same route. When weapons are used, everyone uses 9 grenades at most (3 in any%) whether it's US or JPN. Item drop locations (if any) have proven by both ZENO and Luciano to make no difference for speedrunning. If the optimal route for Arrange is only a scant few seconds +- Original, then there is no case to separate between Arrange and Original. Everyone should just run the fastest version, no? The only reason I haven't run the Japanese version is because I don't know any of the codes for that version of the game.

Also, those runs should reappear if you uncheck the "platforms obsolete each other" box. In the most respectful way possible, I'm sorry I didn't carry over those one or two runs. I got lazy and I didn't think you were that partial to them because of what you posted in the descriptions. If they actually matter to you that much, then uncheck that box and re-add them, but I didn't think you were actually partial to them because you said in the description of many of them that you were "testing strats" and that they were "crap".

United States

Also, ZENO's run should go under Segmented. He used continues on the Therazinosaurs.

Seoul, South Korea

Im not saying you are wrong and please dont miss-understand that i dont meant to be agressive with my post towards you - but i still think there should be differences in the Versions and not just simplified. I mean, you did to make it simple, but lets be honest - it was working fine there was no really reason to actually adjust it. Its not the most popular game where people were demanding having such a change - and its not like were having any benefit out of it. It actually just made some extra work. I'm not nip-picking about the runs that dissapeard i just think it could have been avoided by doing such a thing.

The japanese Version uses the Codes used in the PC Version (1st Safe 0375 and so on)

I agree that everyone should use the Fastest Version / Game in order to stay competetive - but i think with that there might come limitations.

PC Version runs at 30FPS locked but has super crisp menu compared to console (dont actually know the reason) Now i havent tested due to time limits on my side on how many FPS the Ps1 runs the game - but the DreamCast runs it on 60FPS stable. Now the same frames will probably applied for ps1 .. but i just think it would be overall much nicer to have different Plattforms.

People that dont have access to physical consoles and record equipment are forced to run it via emulator. Now the emulator should run the game in 60fps aswell which makes it the fastest, but its no secret that with emulator there can be frustrating crashes, errors, stutters and so on.

Piedmont, Italy

Hey, I'm new here.. Can someone add my PS run in this game page?

Thank you!

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1 year ago