Importing tips
8 years ago

Is importing tips allowed in a run? I plan on running ByeGarage% and I want to import the tips gained from previous games to make the run faster. Just in case you don't know what is importing tips, it is when you play a new game, and when you finish naming the company and the player, a window pops up saying "Unlock tips?", clicking on "Yes" would unlock the tips from the previous games and clicking on "No" would just have the game start normally without the tips.


What would it make faster?

You just need to remember the 9 sliders once per run, which isn't too hard.

And yes it is allowed.


I have question i play in GameOver% and when you create your company i should I overwrite the save. and in another speedrun i see what i dont see this window with saves maybe i can remove that window or something ?