How do I see TID And DV's Of Pokemon For Manips
2 years ago
United States

The title is the text

United States

Also how do I yolo ball

United States

Another question, I can't do the Nidoran manip. Can the A presses be at any time or do they have to be at a specific tile?

United States

Also, for my emulator, it doesn't show the gameboy logo at the beginning of a reset.

Texas, USA

TID is in the Pokemon's stats screen, but you need an external tool to check DVs.

For yoloball, you buffer a + down when sending your pokemon out, then when you hear the bag open sound, you change the direction you're holding. I'd highly recommend watching a run with an input viewer or the manip video referenced in the guide to get a better idea of what I mean.

You should watch this video to learn about manips and their execution in general:

Lastly, you need a functional GBC bios (which I don't believe we're allowed to provide you)

For any other questions, it would be much faster and more convenient for you to ask in the discord linked on the side. Many more people check it and you can easily search to see if others have had similar questions. Best of luck, this game is very fun to get into! :)

United States

Umm IDK why it got sent twice.