Is it possible to have a subcategory of a subcategory?
2 years ago

Would it be possible to have a subcategory of a subcategory? My plan is to have a subcategory for each release of a game (since some things were changed) and then a second subcategory for emu/not.

Alternatively if one platform would always just appear on top even if it had slower times (similar to min captures/items in other games) that would work too.

Edited by the author 2 years ago

You can mix different sub-categories to get this effect I guess. Look at this example:

I don't personally mod games myself, so I don't know how to exactly achieve this effect, but I thought I should just point out that it exists.

Edited by the author 2 years ago

@Garsh the thing he showcased seems good enough to me to achieve my needs even if it doesn't look the prettiest. Thanks for the help @MrMonsh

MrMonsh likes this

Although something where it is shown, but always shown below other runs would be preferable if that's possible (in a similar way to how low% is handled).