.nes file for pellsson rom please
Washington, USA

I need help getting the .nes file for pellsson rom and I don’t know where to get it

It is illegal to give out a .nes file of the Pellsson ROM (or for any ROM in fact). Though, you can get a patch version of it that is located in "Resources". Just download that along with Lunar IPS (which is also found in "Resources") and patch it with an SMB1 ROM if you have one.

darG, eddiecatgaming and 2 others like this
Washington, USA

I don’t know how to do that

Washington, USA

Oh I know but I don’t have a computer tho I need a app for my iPhone tho

Colorado, USA

@HunterFlagpoleGlitch, you're not going to get a response posting in other threads for the same thing and I have deleted the comment. You also necroed a thread for no good reason.

You are not permitted to ask for ROMs in the forums or where to get them. This isn't a rule for just the forums for this game, it's a rule for the entire website.

You need to have an unmodified SMB1 ROM. You're on your own on where to acquire that. Any hints besides "somewhere on the internet" will be deleted. You need Lunar IPS which is a program that applies patches to ROMs. That's easy to find, Google it. You need the Pellsson patch which is under the resources link on this site.

Yes, you will need a computer to apply the patch. You mention that you don't have one, so I would recommend maybe asking someone who does.

mouseman, raymondamantius and 3 others like this
Washington, USA

Ok I am sorry I will shut up and just use nesboxes save states

New Hampshire, USA

Asking in discord wouldn't help you either (even though you don't have a link to it on your profile). Since the discord ToS states that you can't share files with data.


Related to HitzCritz message, it's also illegal to distribute the Pellsson IPS. :)

As far as I'm aware it's not illegial to post a .ips.


not really related but @HunterFlagpoleGlitch how many times have you done fpg if you presumably dont have a nintendo// emulator?

mouseman likes this
Washington, USA

7 times on nesbox emulator

There is a JS rom patcher that works on mobile, I'm just not sure if I'm allowed to post it here.


The illegality is in distributing copyrighted work, not any particular file type. Pellsson never specified a license for the IPS he made so it's under no license, which by default gives him exclusive rights to the work. ( https://choosealicense.com/no-permission/ )

I don't expect he minds too much though, since he recently started distributing it again himself.

Dolnośląskie, Poland

@threecreepio As long as he doesn't have a problem with that, the IPS file will remain where it is now.


Yeah I'm not suggesting to remove it (especially since Pellsson made it available again, I doubt he minds,) just wanted to clarify HitzCritz message since it could be read to mean the current setup was actually legal! :)

Anyway, ending offtopic, sorry!

Edited by the author 4 years ago
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