Geestenbouwer's Recent WR's HAVE to be TAS
1 year ago

Im sorry, but can we look at Geestenbouwer's WR's? Especially her newest 50.567 1.16 All Minerals that she posted on her youtube. Look at her crafting and her looting and tell me that it isnt a TAS. She most likely used a Fabric API hider to hide the TAS at the end of the speedrun when she did "/datapack list". It makes me wonder how her runs are being verified? Newest Video: Speedrun Profile: How she Cheated(Probably):

Edited by the author 1 year ago

You can also see that during the video she resets the seed multiple times without the world even being shown before hand meaning that she either has unrivaled intuition, or she was just reseting for a cut so that she could say that she showed the loading screen, or because the TAS showed her the spawn for a tenth of a second.


I dont mean to offend you but look at the Obtain Netherite category. If you look at the first chest loot between 2nd and 3rd you can see the difference between how smooth theirs is, and how yours is jagged and shaking. It may however only look this way because for some reason you dont use a crosshair so the only way we know where your crosshair actually is, is when the boxes light up. You can also see that your "crosshair" is immediately on the netherite ingot when looting the chest allowing the netherite only to be seen inside the chest for 2 frames. The other top runners need at least 3 frames and we can see their crosshairs moving from the origin.

Somerset, England

Why not here lol

Gaming_64 likes this

Sure, but I would prefer that everybody would be allowed to share their thoughts on this platform so we can get feedback and a collective opinion.

CZX and YUMmy_Bacon5 like this

Sure, but I dont see the reason of needing to go through extra steps to discuss questions.


Im not sure, I dont have much experience in debunking speedruns so Im not confident. World logs maybe? Also try to just use a mouse tracker because its kind of difficult to tell when looting or crafting and it makes your actions look shakey and "too" precise.


Is there a reason to not using a crosshair? I feel like it would be much easier with a crosshair and what is you DPI for your mouse? Maybe thats why your movements are so jagged. But that would also make it more difficult to be as precise as your movements appear to be.


That would solve the problem of jagged movement, but raises the suspicion of the perfectly precise looting and crafting.


Also whenever you post another ssg video could you show part of the previous run? Because the only way to get movement and looting that precise is to mess up.

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