Minor Glitches
6 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

Throughout my own runs and after watching Cheylis's run I've noticed a few minor glitches that could be potential time saves.

High Jumping - In a few areas, primarily in the early levels, Cheylis was able to jump a lot higher than I had thought possible, this could change up the routing slightly specifically regarding whether we actually need to push the box in level 2.

Weird Hitboxes - Throughout Cheylis's run there were a few times where certain sprites hit boxes seem to be smaller than they would appear to be ie. making very precise jumps over zombies on levels 2 & 3, I'm not sure why those enemies act that way, nor if they are the only enemies that act that way, but it certainly has potential for exploitation. Just something to keep your eye out for.

Exiting levels early - Specifically, you can escape level 29 without killing the beast by making a precise jump into an off-screen hit box that registers that you are supposed to end the level. This is specifically important for level 4, because if we find a way to exit level 4 without having to kill all of the zombies, we could save a rather significant amount of time.

Congrats on WR Cheylis, hope to take it back soon. Good luck on your runs everyone.

drgrumble and Cheylis like this
Kent, England

On the subject of new glitches, I did manage to finish level 4 without sitting through the end cut scene as below: I'm not sure exactly how it happened but I note that I was far enough ahead of the captain that she was not on screen until near the end of the level, and I spammed jump as I left. The cut scene is fairly long, so worth skipping if this can be made consistent.


I should not be surprised after all the glitches we discovered, but B1az3n and I have tried so many times to get that result that I thought it was just impossible. It is a very interesting skip, I'll try to make it too. Thanks for the video and I hope you to get my record soon ;)

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Kent, England

Thanks @Cheylis but I doubt I'll be threatening your wr anytime soon! I imagine it will be tough to replicate but I will experiment with it too.


how do you post a video ? I'd like to share with you the method I found to replicate it

Kent, England

Sounds promising! I just copy a link to the YT video in the comment and it automatically embeds.


The important point of this skip is to find the hitbox of the trigger around the captain. As you did it, we can find a way to bring her enough near from the exit of the level that the trigger isn't able to launch the cutscene even if you are in the captain's hitbox. I use the following setup :

  1. Go the nearest you can from the end of the level, and wait for the captain.
  2. When she comes, wait for her to be about one character's width from you, and double jump to the right (don't use your second jump too early)
  3. Skip !

Kent, England

Great work! Will try this out soon cheers!


All comes from your discover, so thanks and congrats too !

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