Emulator Clarification
2 years ago
United States

Hey so, I just got a new PB in botw and it’s my first time uploading a speedrun and it says that you can’t use emulators so I searched up why and it said because some give less lag and stuff. It also said that some emulators are ok to use so I was wondering if it is ok for me to use the Cemu wii u emulator for a botw GP any% speedrun? Thanks for the help!

Also if this one isn't allowed can I get a exclamation to why emulators are banned...(just curious) thanks!

Mayo, Ireland

Which emulators are allowed are specified in the game rules. Idk about the reason but there are a few reasons i can think of as to why

Sprinkles and puperger like this

The main reason why emulators are not allowed (for most games) is innacuracies. An emulator tends to not run the same way as the original console. Even official emulators (by the company) tend to have different categories

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