As many advancements at once speedrun?
1 year ago

I was wondering if there was already a speedrun for this but if there isn't I thought it might be an interesting idea, that's about it

leadattic_ likes this

All Advancements, bruuuh

South Carolina, USA

That’s like asking for beating the dragon in category extension bruhh

I just meant like if you shot a crossbow with piercing through several mobs including pillager and phantoms at once to get the crossbow advancement, shooting an arrow advancement, shooting through five mobs advancement and the shooting a pillager with a crossbow advancement. I didn't mean getting all the advancements which i know is already a category.

leadattic_ and yaboipizarol like this
South Carolina, USA

Oh that sounds pretty cool I def wouldn’t try it but others would

WyranDragon809 likes this
California, USA

you could get the target block achievement along with all the others

WyranDragon809 likes this

Yeah, you can technically get a lot more but it gets kind of ridiculous, like you could technically bring a ghast through a nether portal and line it up as well as a skeleton 50 blocks away to get both sniper duel and uneasy alliance but it'd be quite hard to get that shot.

South Carolina, USA

There could be subcategories for 2 advancements or 3 advancements etc

WyranDragon809 likes this

Theres quater% (yes, quater not quarter, idk why)

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