Hello ! ^^
3 years ago
Auvergne, France

Hello everybody

I introduce myself, I am Galkiel a little French girl who has just found so many youtube speedrun videos that I would like to join the community and also make my own speedruns.

I don't have a very young pc, it's slow, it only has an Nvidia GTX 950M card (yes, it's a laptop) and i think it has an i5. I loved playing League Of Legends before leaving because of the saltiness of this game, I love Rocket League (but my pc doesn't support it well) and I quite like Dars Souls (although I have was too scared to advance in the game: ')) and Bordelands 2 but the game that I LOVE above all: Pokémon.

I would like to know if Bordelands 2 has a Speedrun community. I found on the site a page for Souls and Rl (surprisingly) but not for Bordelands 2 so I was wondering because i would like to try some Bordelands 2 Speedrun and also some Mario64 (a game that i love too because it remember me my childhood)

Thank you all for reading my presentation! Have a nice day / evening! =)


Welcome to the site and have fun! Here is Borderlands 2: https://www.speedrun.com/bl2

Gaming_64, Pear, and Galkiel like this
Auvergne, France

Thanks you for the reply and the site! Have fun too :D