new fun challenge
7 years ago
Bosnia and Herzegovina

not much of a speedrun, but extremely difficult

it's very simple: pick morph

  • buy wraith + tangoes
  • level 1: level morph and full STR morph and keep it on indefinitely
  • dont level anything again
  • go midlane and lasthit
  • (lasthits + denies) in 10 minutes are the score
  • timer ends when 20th creepwaves(one that spawns 9:30) ingame are killed

you'll constantly have 25~ damage, which is just a bit more than a creep meaning you can technically hit every last hit.

only downside is it's capped at 164 CS(82LH+ 82DN)

for which you'd need to be a god to take all XD

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Missouri, USA

god, is this forum dead or what


Not so dead. Game is not popular, barely any1 runs it.

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7.35 Update released, all runs moved to Legacy

The 7.35 update brings a lot of changes to heroes, items, and even the map. We've decided it warrants a full Legacy move once again, as per usual. Good luck to people running in the new patch!

4 months ago
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