Some questions about version 1.05
5 years ago
Victoria, Australia
She/Her, They/Them
5 years ago

Rhombu's guide doesn't clarify a few things concerning version 1.05, so I have a few questions:

  1. How do you mash in this version? Is there a Linux version of which makes it faster, similar to Linux version 1.001?
  2. Rhombu's guide states that some glitches (overflows, OWWs) are not possible on version specifically 1.06. Is it also impossible in 1.05 or just 1.06 and above?


New Jersey, USA
  1. You mash as you normally would-Shift, Enter, X, Z, or Enter, Shift, Z, X. It's difficult on all versions 1.05 and up, and there's no version that makes it easier.

  2. The glitches are not possible on 1.05 and up.

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