any tips on how to speed up allscrolls with warps?
2 years ago
United States

i keep consistently getting 9:15- 9:20, but i am unable to progress. my problems are rugby and pingpong, are there faster ways to speedrun those sports?

RedMooschrom likes this

Join the discord, there are plenty of people there that can help

RedMooschrom likes this
California, USA

yeah, there is an all scrolls specific channel for discussion. just go to the sidebar on the game's homepage and look down until you see the discord link.

RedMooschrom likes this

As gentlemen before me said. Join our discord. Also in guides (sidebar on the left) there is a tutorial beginner tutorial for allscrolls. This tutorial should answer all of your questions.

Fibbel7 likes this
Virginia, USA

Things to focus on when you join the discord (in “guides” channel”) would probably be the Fast Table Tennis Strats, and the TSS. Otherwise, asking about rugby to some experienced players (and probably marathon too) would get you some high-quality advice

RedMooschrom likes this
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2 years ago