Gamecube PAL & Question
8 years ago

Hey guys.

Having read some of the other threads i'm gutted to see the loss of the Gamecube PAL category. I'm a new speedrunner and I have been putting in a lot of hours to compete for Leon A PAL - for the obvious reasons, i'm slightly disheartened to see them go. Are those likely to return, or is this final? I just need conformation.

This kind of leads to my next point. What difference if any, do the European copies have that might be considered a 'disadvantage' (I use the term loosely)? Having watched a bunch of you lovely people run the American version, there is a noticeable difference in performance. As mentioned in other threads, PAL runs at a slightly lower FPS, surely this makes some aspects of the game slightly harder (5 frames difference might be considered minor, but as we all know, speedrunning is extremely sensitive, thus everything makes a difference)

Does this effect PS3, PS1/PS2 categories, in terms of performance for European copies? I'm asking because i don't want to run for a really really competitive category, and I just want to be clear on the pros/cons etc.

One last thing. Have the mods ever discussed making the Japanese, Biohazard completely separate? I know you want as little categories/games as possible, but surely this should be an exception?

Thanks for reading, appreciate the response in advance!



GC PAL will not be reinstated

We will also not differentiate US and JPN. JPN is the fastest version so I suggest you run the PC version or PSX Emu version. Emu version has a lot less competition so that may be the way forward for you.


That's a shame but never mind.

Where can i 'acquire' ;) a copy of Biohazard 2 for PSX? Every time i download one, they're in .zip folders with a few files that aren't .iso or .bin . . . . I know i need to merge them or something, but how?

Which Emu software is allowed for runs?

Thanks trance

United States

I should mention that PAL itself isn't banned, just 50hz PAL. So that really just means RE2, RE3, and CVX can't be played on PAL since it doesn't run at the same speed as the NTSC versions. Minimal gimp. This affects nothing for the european PSN download since RE2 and RE3 on PSN is a copy of the NTSC disc and not the PAL disc. If you want to play that one, go for it (Euro PSN RE1 is PAL though)

Most people use psxjin. I recommend psxjin. As for where to acquire it, you'll have to find it yourself.

Could you screenshot the files in question? Maybe I can help.


Thanks Commando <3 you legend.

FYI, and anyone that is concerned. I'm very familiar with copyright infringement, in fact i work in that sector professionally. Fundamentally, it's wrong, but I have purchased several copies of the game, and supported it in different ways, so on a moral basis, i don't feel bad . . . that doesn't change the situation, but I'm not some pirate that steals everything. :)


Appreciate it. I can't SS for you, but the layout is:

A subfolder containing two .ecm files and one further zipped file that contains something called track01.bin.ecm . . . or something very similar.

¤ .bin.ecm isn't a typo, it's genuniely what it's called. I've tried the obvious things :)

Any help is appreciated :D


You need to get one of those ECM file covertors. Been a while since I done it.


I can't remember for the life of me if you have me on steam Limburger.

It's the same as my username.

United States

As long as you're not posting links or pointing directions on how to get it, I don't care. Just thought I would make that distinction. I think you should post about it elsewhere though.