How can I replicate "...Obsolete each other" in Google Sheets?
1 year ago
California, USA

Hey so I created a score-based leaderboard in google sheets (just from watching youtube videos, cuz I don't really have much experience in excel/sheets) but I noticed that the same player shows up more than once if they played on a different region or used a different character. I don't know how to hide lower scores.

I basically just want to replicate the "Regions/Platforms (characters in this case) obsolete each other" options that SRC has, to only show a player's best score.

California, USA

Never mind, 6 hours later I figured it out B)

yes bro

Edited by the author 1 year ago
dripping likes this

@dripping asking on behalf of anyone who might find this thread years down the line, what did u do to figure it out?

1234, dripping, and Naegi like this
California, USA

@Sizzyl oh mb barely saw this. I ended up using the QUERY function!

=QUERY(Data!$D:$H,"Select F, MAX(G) WHERE D = '"&H3&"'"&if(G3="GLOBAL",""," AND E = '"&G3&"'")&" GROUP BY F ORDER BY MAX(G) desc LIMIT "&J3&" LABEL MAX(G) 'SCORE'")

The main problem in the query function was happening when I chose to display more than the Player and Score columns. If anyone played a 2nd game on a different region or with a different hero, it would display those scores as well.

So I chose to just show Player and Score (F and MAX(G)) and then just use INDEX & MATCH to pull specific region and hero data that matched with the Player, Score and Mode.

And that did the trick. Global scores now only show top scores from each player, and the same for regional scores if selected.

Here's the link if anyone is curious about the formulas I used / wants to check out the leaderboard I built:

(the Player Dashboard sheet isn't completely finished yet tho)

Edited by the author 1 year ago