Category rule and name updates, i.e. Fairy Feet allowed in more categories
6 years ago

"Fairy Feet" is now allowed in the following categories in which it previously was not: Any% No OoB; New Game+ No OoB; Any% No Door Fairying (PAL B No OoB); and, the newer 100% No OoB category. The categories previously named "No OoB" are now called "NMG" for No Major Glitches. ZebGedney made us a very simple table for what tech is allowed in categories.

Fairy Feet was previous caught in a net of rules banning glitches related to Fairying near the edge of the screen.

What is Fairy Feet? Fairy Feet is the name for a specific setup that allows the player to effectively skip walking across the side-scroll encounter for two-sided overworld tiles. (Why is it called Fairy Feet? Because Saver found it while playing the game with his feet.)

The two-sided tiles are a specific type of spiked tile where the player was intended to pass through to get to the other side in the overworld. The list of these encounters: Darunia Pass, Wilson fences, Maze encounters, Valley of death lava encounters, Bubble skip and Bridges. A common workaround that has long been accepted in all categories is to set up random monster encounters and run into them on the spiked tile in order to skip doing the full length side scrolls. However, it was discovered that there's another way to skip side scrolls that doesn't involve random encounters.

When Link enters one of these specific types of side-scroll encounters, the game sets a flag. When that flag is on the game never actually checks which side of the encounter Link exits, instead checking his last known direction of movement upon exiting. It is possible, for example, to exit the left side of an encounter while moving right by stopping Link's leftward velocity completely just as he hits the exit plane then press right before exiting. This is difficult because Link's velocity rises and falls gradually every frame. Yet, Link never goes out of bounds doing this.

However, as a fairy Link's velocity can go from 0 to maximum and back to 0 on consecutive frames just by tapping a direction for one frame. So it's far easier for a human to do the encounter skips as a Fairy, despite the additional magic cost. Another way to instantly reverse Link's velocity is to be damage boosted in the exit plane. I watched Jamevil do it playing Z2Randomizer.

Hence, the glitch is not specific to being a fairy near the edge of the screen. Instead, it is merely an unexpected outcome of the working code just the same as skipping the same type of encounter by running into a random encounter on the spiked tile. Nevertheless, changing the category names away from "No Out of Bounds" dispels any need to debate the fact that Fairy Feet is not out of bounds.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
dm1184, JSR_ and 2 others like this
Maine, USA

"Another way to instantly reverse Link's velocity is to be damage boosted in the exit plane. I watched Jamevil do it playing Z2Randomizer."

Clarification question: Is this damage boost version of the trick allowed in categories where FF is now allowed and disallowed elsewhere?

So, for example, if it accidentally happened to someone during the AK tourney, their run would be invalid?

Edited by the author 6 years ago
United States

The glitch is banned or not. It doesn't matter whether you get it with or without fairy.