Can low% be a thing for botw?
1 year ago

The items are literally everything you pick up except for rupees and key items. At least that’s the idea. I noticed that a lot of Zelda games have low% and I think it could be fun for botw. I hope it wil


Low% is such a wide class of potential categories (minimum score, coins, captures, A presses, companions, items, pauses etc.) - minimum items does sound interesting if you can post a finished run as a demonstration and to pioneer interest in the category


Some people have already run low% with their own defined rules. The run doesn't really adhere to the leaderboard's main rules but I think if enough people run it, show an interest in it and are convincing enough to get it added, it might end up on the boards.

However, 'low%' for this game could mean lots of things and this interpretation goes for minimum items so there will be more debate over whether it should be added if people do try to get it on the boards.


It's not like there can only ever be one Low% category on the board for any given game. In Plants vs. Zombies for example we added Shopless, No Sun Plants, and 3 Seed Slots from what I remember

United States

Theoretically, the lowest possible way to complete the game would be to beat the blights and Calamity Ganon only using the Bomb Rune. Otherwise, it really doesn't any more low% than Any% already is.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
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South Korea

What if we count each rune use as an item? Would that unboringify the category? I feel like it would make for some interesting routing similar to bl.

Mayo, Ireland

Tbh i think for low% for botw, the best ruleset would be to be: Take a look at botw's 100% ruleset and do the opposite And obtain the fewest needed items. You would only need the 5 plateau runes, the paraglider, 4 spirit orbs and the bol iirc to beat the game if you were to follow the game rules which disallow cross save file glitches. But a new game+ category as well as a new game category for low% would be be a good idea imo as it keeps everyone happy.