Loophole in Ring-Con Calibration Rule
3 years ago

yes we know about that.

thats why we want to see the calibration in i30 runs. if you reach 100 with barly touching the ringcon we can then say its not intended because of wrong calibration.

if you have problems reach 100 in adventure you should recalibrate your main menu push and pulls.

because adventure calibration is based on main menu calibration. imagine you did the main menu when you were on full power, or even crazier if someone else did main menu calibration. and then in adventure you can not reach the same power level.

just be aware we watching how much you push/pull and if something is wrong we gonna message/rejekt runs or edit it to "not intended".


if you have a better solution for the rules that is also fine for all the runners (so they dont have to recalibrate multiple times each running day) then tell us please.