Supersonic Ring
6 years ago
Louisiana, USA

I have been playing for awhile now and I place 9th in the Speedruns for the first boss, this is my first time hearing about the supersonic ring and I am wondering, how do you get it, I can't find anything on the ring, it's like it doesn't exist.

Edited by the author 6 years ago

Hi, you can pick up the supersonic ring in the 16th level, in a chest, before the first yellow door. It is on a high platform, and you can go on this platform by waiting for a thunder to destroy a part of the platform's floor that is brittle. Then, you just have to jump on it and open the chest to take the supersonic ring. I'm maybe not very clear (I know my english is not as good as I'd like it to be), so you can also watch one of the runs we already submitted (in the 16th level).

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