Do the new gen consoles have any performance boost on the remaster
1 year ago

Idk if this was tested I forgot.


Better load times, other than that not really.

MC_Jonny_117 and Stokz like this
Saxony, Germany

Exactly although I noticed that the game on the xbox Series X is more prone to crash compared to the Xbox One version

Saxony, Germany

For example, if you have saved mr freeze in the museum and want to leave the room again, it often comes to a crash it does not matter if you come normal or with dino skip in the room

And on Xbox one I have been running into this glitch where I start NG- and when the game crashes or I exit the story mode the game sometimes gives me all the batsuits


@JacksonSR lol, that both has nothing to do with what we're talking about (we're talking about the new consoles, not just the remaster in general), and isn't really a glitch and isn't console specific. That's just how the game behaves with New Game Minus.

Edited by the author 1 year ago

@ShikenNuggets Oh ok I was just finding it a bit weird because before I played Batman Arkham City on Xbox one I played it on the WiiU version and it has never happened to me on the WiiU version before

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Autosplitter Update

Due to oversights on my part, there were two points where the autosplitter was supposed to split, but wouldn't:

  • After performing Church Skip (Bell Tower Skip was fine)
  • In Glitchless w/Cat after the processing center fight

These have both been corrected, apologies for the inconvenience. Plea

1 year ago
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