Glitchless - Hammer Skip Vote
3 years ago

We're currently voting on whether the Glitchless version of Hammer Skip should be allowed in Glitchless and Glitchless w/Cat, specifically this version of it:

This is currently allowed and there are multiple runs on the leaderboard that use it, however due to strong opposition we've decided to revisit the issue and hold a formal vote on it.

The vote is being held in the Arkham speedrunning Discord server and will be open until October 30th at 12:30pm EST. If you're in the Discord and do not have access to the voting channels please let me know ASAP.


The vote has now concluded. There were 12 votes in favour of banning Hammer Skip, and 5 votes against. We have updated the rules here and will be removing any Glitchless runs that used Hammer Skip throughout the day.

Edit: This should all be handled now.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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Autosplitter Update

Due to oversights on my part, there were two points where the autosplitter was supposed to split, but wouldn't:

  • After performing Church Skip (Bell Tower Skip was fine)
  • In Glitchless w/Cat after the processing center fight

These have both been corrected, apologies for the inconvenience. Plea

1 year ago
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