Dr. Mario Strats
7 years ago

Where would you place this pill? [IMG]http://i68.tinypic.com/15oyn0y.png[/IMG]

maybe I would suggest the abbreviation format to be: | = Vertically _ = Horizontally (intead of using h and v)

|br6 = vertically, blue on top, red on bottom, 6th column from the left.

_br6 = horizontally, blue on the left, red on the right, 6th and 7th columns from the left.

Edited by the author 7 years ago

I would place it at _yb2 and the next pill at |yy2. You guys agree?

Edited by the author 7 years ago

I agree with hyb2 there is no other choice that makes sense really. A red-yellow would have been a interesting choice between vry8 and hry4. Knowing the 3rd pill would be very usefuss to where to place that double yellow but without the knoeledge, I rather play the double yellow on vyy7. I want to keep alive the possible double yellow combo in column 5 and it create another spot for red-blues. The next double red needs to be placed at vrr1 at all costs.

What's your reasoning behind the vyy2 play? Clearing the yellow garbage as soon as possible?

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Remz likes this

I realize that I might have an irrational tendencies to clear garbage as soon as possible, I should just consider garbage as "new" virus. vyy7 would make more sense.

If it was a Red-Yellow, I'm not sure if I understand your point. Do you mean hyr7 and vry5?


Edited by the author 7 years ago

With this exact setup, I do 100% of the times vry8 vyy5 for the yellow T. It's just too good. And after that you have spots for every type of pill including blue-yellow that wasn't the case before the T.

After that I try I hope to undig yellow asap. If the game gives you yellows too early, you breakeven on the play. If the game likes you, you just saved a good 2-3 seconds.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Remz likes this

Wow I see! Thanks! I have so much to learn from these questions. I really have to learn to clear more virus horizontally. I would probably have played a much inferior _ry4 or _yr7 without even considering the powerful |ry8-|yy5 sequence.

Edited by the author 7 years ago

Without the double yellow in the cue, vry8 is just too risky because you don't have a spot for blue-yellow anywhere. I would probably go with a safer play like hyr8 toward creating a spot for blue-yellow.

And as a sidenote, the reason why I place the next double red no matter that on vrr1 is because depending on the pill order, you might have a problem by having 3 columns with a top-red virus, which is a futur problem to think about.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Remz likes this
Rhode Island, USA

im having lil bit of a hard time visualizing this based on the abbreviation format, but I would put yellow/red pill vertically with red half on top, then make a yellow T (which is i think what vry8-vyy5 means)

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Remz likes this

maybe I would suggest the abbreviation format to be: | = Vertically _ = Horizontally

|br6 = vertically, blue on top, red on bottom, 6th column from the left.

_br6 = horizontally, blue on the left, red on the right, 6th and 7th columns from the left.

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