Suggested rules for BR
7 years ago

Ball Race rules (any%)

In all ball race runs, you must hit the goal of each level and are not allowed to suicide 3 times to skip the level unless it is the Bonus round.

Time starts when "GO!" appears, and time ends when you hit the goal of the final level.

I also wonder if we should ban CLFs (Cross Level Finishes, aka hitting the goal of another level to finish that level via a glitch or skip) for any% since that impacts what version a run is tied to for early access.

Since it's not clear what isn't assumed to be allowed (on purpose death 3 times to skip a level) I think we need rules clarifying that.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
snowi likes this

I agree! death 3 times to skip a level should not be allowed.


Remember you have 2 lives, so you need to die 6 times and wait for the respawn screen to go away which takes more than 30+ seconds. Are then any levels that take that long?

CLF doesn't seem like an issue either other than version issues.

I will add rules defining the timing now that im a mod.


added the rule: "You must enter a finish hole for every level possible excluding bonus."

This means CLF is legal but skipping levels with deaths is not.

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