Serious Runner , hi i'm Seliave!
8 years ago

Hllo , i'm a french runner of Serious sam the first encounter .

I'm a new member of your comunity , and i bring something new to Serious sam (or something unusual in the first encounter) .

This is an Any% run in Serious difficulty , and i have a litle problem ... there is no any% serious when i try to submit my run XD

So , i don't know if there is a way to add it but in any case , my run->

Have a nice day !!

French Southern Territories

Type the name of the game in the search bar at the top of the website and oh ... it's there : Look on the top right "Submit a run"


i'm playing the game in serious difficulty , and when i try to submit my run i can't select the "any% serious" ,because there is only a "Any% tourist" and "Any% normal" . I know how to submit a run .

French Southern Territories

Then ask a moderator or post it on game forums. In case moderators don't answer you, ask in the moderation request thread.


It's funny because we are all french on this thread but we are still talking english. OpieOP

French Southern Territories is an english-speaking website made by Pac_. We must remain the forums english-only however, we can talk in french in french marathon forums such as Bourg La Run forums. I think Gyoo_ was thinking about adding country forums.