Elevator Skip
8 years ago
Portland, OR, USA

In room 4 there's a way to skip the elevator. I have basically no idea how it works but it saves like 15 seconds.

Hesse, Germany

It seems like this game does weird stuff if you jump/attack/walljump on to certain objects. I glitched through the blocks at the beginning of level 3 and I Glitched (I dont know how) Trough the block wallrun section at the end of level 2.

Hesse, Germany

I think I know how the elevator skip might works... I rewatched your run in 0,25x time and did some screens....

Step1 Do a run long jump at the second browser statue (with first pressing Left then A then Up) http://image.prntscr.com/image/c51f66bfb5c84ed4958b2456d3152dd5.png Step2 Idk Mario did weird moves http://image.prntscr.com/image/770b5177f2f04a6b9cdd570c9f48a357.png Step3 when you hit the corner on the part mario has to do a mid air right kick http://image.prntscr.com/image/ffbe279f6af144589aa506b652c1388a.png

Disclamer: I dont garantee for this strat, regarding it might be frame perfect its very inconstant! And maybe the glitch is not caused through positioning maybe its caused through a weird input of attack/jumps.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Hesse, Germany

Hmmm...I tried playing the game on a speed of 0.2 and I experienced that there is a time after a jump on low speed/fps that the games lets you get through/on or behind objects. I dont have video proof but you can try it yourself by playing it in browser, selecting chrome in cheat engine and setting the speedhack to 0.2


Edited by the author 7 years ago
Hesse, Germany

Just hitted it on a run :D I think its RNG inc.

North Carolina, USA

I found out if you switch tabs for like a second or two and come back it instantly teleports you there i've gotten this to work multiple times

North Carolina, USA

The tab switch lets you skip a lot of parts of the game. Elevator, wall jump section, you can even pass through the ceiling or the floor.

The question is, can we use it to skip most of the Bowser fight? The finish screen pops up when Bowser falls below the game border.

When Bowser falls down to the screen border during the fight, he simply respawns.

North Carolina, USA

Yeah, but if we could use the tab switch glitch to make him fall past it, maybe we could get a Bowser Skip going. I mean, it makes koopas occasionally fall through the floors, so maybe we can make Bowser fall past the screen border.

Timing it to switch tabs right before he teleports back up would be important.