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8 years ago

Can I use VC to run this game? Either emulator or Wii VC?

Pennsylvania, USA

This game is currently not on Wii VC or even Wii U VC for that matter. It may appear on it one day if Microsoft allows it but as of now, we allow runners to play on the Xbox Live Arcade version whether it's running off of Xbox 360 or Xbox One, the N64 version on console obviously, or via ROM on PJ64, EmuHawk, or Everdrive. Note that your run may be considered invalid if you tamper with the emulator's plugins too much and have a high level time like sub 2:20. We just encourage that you run on console but emus are allowed and different Banjo mods will have differing opinions on the matter but I think that sub 2:20 times on emu shouldn't be allowed. But emus are often a great way to learn and practice in the game so if that's your only option, then totally go with emu. Once you get to a certain level though, we tend to discourage it and ask you to move to console though I think.


Alright. I would like to run it via console, but I can't stream my N64 as my capture card only allows Component or HDMI. :(

Pennsylvania, USA

Composite to HDMI converters do exist. Maybe look into one of those if you want.

Alberta, Canada

Ok do not buy an "HDMI converter" they all suck except for the expensive ones. If anything buy a GV-USB2 you can buy one on amazon they're cheap and they can record composite and S-Video.

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