best gamer pt 2
3 years ago
Kentucky, USA

two weeks ago in the thread below i said that i would take every world record on the site in one week but i have decided to be generous and give you all one year to enjoy your world records before i take them all your welcome -teemo_extreamo

1234, Kentrap and 6 others like this
French Southern Territories

how very generous

1234, Bob-chicken and 5 others like this

And here I was wondering why I still have all my lowly WRs. You had me worried!

Pear, TheSecondTry and 3 others like this
United States

I've never been able to hold a WR for longer than a month and a half. As long as I get to keep them for 2 months this time, you can take them all!

Ivory, Pear, and teemo_extreamo like this
French Southern Territories

I was supposed to bump this 2 months ago, whoops!

1 year extension is over, why are my world records still 1st place?

bold, Oreo321 and 4 others like this
Iowa, USA

Why are my world records 2nd place?

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
New Jersey, USA

cuz ur not first

Texas, USA

Best gamer? Easy. It's Iggins!