best gamer pt 3
2 years ago
Kentucky, USA

I just wanted to remind you all of the inevitable

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Merl_ likes this
French Southern Territories

But can you take my… Paper Minecraft (Mobile) - Die (Mobile) - Random seed glitchless????

MinecraftGaming likes this
Kentucky, USA

@Bob-chicken yes, yes i can

French Southern Territories


MinecraftGaming likes this

I'm starting to suspect that you will not take all my WRs after all.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Gaming_64 likes this
Georgia, USA

Not my wr in !

United States


I sincerely await the hour that you claim all of my WRs, kind fellow, for I have grown wearied by this immaterial burden. The fame brings about an unending swarm of onlookers, and I dare say that the parasocial agitates my soul. Knowing that I have a "world record" now blockades my mind, preventing me from seeking inner guidance.

Once my WRs are taken, I can truly begin the spiritual journey I have awaited and prepared for:

running nothing but jank horse games

teemo_extreamo, Bob-chicken and 3 others like this