Live IV view?
5 years ago

Hi all, I've joined the site because I used to speedrun privately or with friends.

A friend of mine is new to speedrunning, and I decided I'd try and ask here: Is there a way to see our party pokemon's IV's while the game is running?

I figured I'd help him by seeing if he should attempt a run with a good nido at the start, or reset, and thus the above idea might be the best.

Is there any such tool, and if so, what is it, and is there a requirement for a particular emulator?

Thank you all in advanced.

After doing some research, I got the right rom and emulator (Gambatta -Speedrun, latest) for him, and even have live splits setup for him, but I'm still not finding how people are showing live iv's during streams and speedruns and tutorials.

United States

Pokemon Red Helper can be found under the Resources tab. That will show you male nido stats and what I used when I played red classic. You dont really need that anymore since the current route has a manipulation to give you a perfect DV male nido. Also they are called DVs in gen 1, not IV.

Cool, i've downloaded that, but I'm not seeing anywhere to plug it into Gambatta? Does it automatically read the ram or is there something to it?

United States

oh i misread your question, you have to actually look at the nido stats and enter them into the program. You arent allowed to use something that just read the game and tells you the stats. Thats using a bot to assist in the speedrun pretty much.

Edited by the author 5 years ago