Quadruple dupe on Riot leading directly to Tenpenny chase
6 years ago
United States

The closest I got to staring multiple instances of Riot was starting it while having Bloodbowl active and still running. I could start multiple instances of Trucking with OM0, to start N+1 instances of Bloodbowl, to to start N+2 instances of a given mission. I was lucky to find that it worked for starting multiple instances of Puncture Wounds, as for Riot, even though I can start it while in Bloodbowl, only 2 instances start regardless of how many Bloodbowl instances are running, really unfortunate.


[quote] wipes the original mission counters ... if you dupe Cutthroat business you get one fail and one pass - so that means the next mission you run counts double (like Bdup) ... if you try a third instance to skip EOTL1 it crashes. [/quote]

Inaccurate... Your technical knowledge is too lacking to judge what goes on behind the scenes. (I don't say it to insult you, I just tell you what I think). If you care, you can read this to see what happens when starting mission during mission (it focuses on instpasses but those are just special cases): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yMBtR3K1BlHd1dGL2HHuAjV-8JV50m3nqIMtyugARHA/edit?usp=sharing

And this to see how duping works. https://kb.speeddemosarchive.com/Grand_Theft_Auto:_San_Andreas/Game_Mechanics_and_Glitches/Duping

Also, if you can read code, you can download this to log script commands: [read the description, video is optional]

"wipes mission counters" [Burglary] no, replaces the loaded mission "one fail/one pass" [Cut Throat] no, one pass, one stuck -> the stuck thread executes Riot,too, when Riot is started -> two instances "if you dupe x3 it crashes" [Riot] I don't know what you did but I suppose you cheated to get x2 8-track and then started Riot? Then it is a stack issue (read the "advanced" doc linked in the first doc I linked) "threads remain when starting another mission" [forgot context] The loaded mission is overwritten. The thread remains but executes a different mission.

Edited by the author 6 years ago

[quote] Not sure how you can judge my technical knowledge. If you meant I lack technical knowledge with regards to GTA SA [/quote] Yes, I meant regarding SA.

[quote] After you dupe CTB you will still have a OM0 call if you held it before mission passed - You cannot have a call and two CTB instances running without cheating (onmission changer/Cheat Engine).

if not you can prep it to make it OM0 - but if you then use that call to dupe riot (effectively 3x) then the game crashes. That is new to me. I have gotten 2 Riot instances before by starting CTB twice (one instance gets stuck in the cs) and then starting Riot. The loaded mission is overwritten with Riot code -> both the old CTB thread and the new one execute Riot code. What you are saying is that you can do just that - and in addition set om0 with a phone call? How do you set that up? [/quote]

I recommend that you do not cheat anymore. You can use the gtasa center to teleport to make testing less painful (using hotkeys to remember location and to teleport) - you might need to download some ocx files and run as admin to get it to work.

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