Give a chance to submit movie
5 years ago

@garadas21 Sorry, before I submit some Youju movies and VirtuaNES movies, cause I donnot know the regulation here. From now on, I want to redo many games according to speedruns regulation, and obey the rules here. My Astyanax movie and tokkyuus movie Both games are 2nd, according to the sp regulation. My other reject games ranking are not good, no need cheating. And, could you give me a chance to submit, I want to prove to all that I am not a cheater. Next time I strictly observe the rules Even for all my reject movies, I will redo to show to all later


There's rules put in place that you didn't follow as well as common sense. I only clicked one of those links but what I watched was very stutter-y. Maybe they're legit, but you're going to have a hard time proving that.

diggity likes this

@Komrade congrats on the 10000th post on the speedrunning subforum, been waiting for it to tick over

CarkInTheDark likes this

Tk you, later I want to submit some movie on tw, the speed could faster, wait super manager answer


For my submition, I know I have submitted some gotvg and VirtuaNES movie, those played on China Platform Youju which could not S/L and speed down, could use auto-fire. I'm the new comer of speedrun, This cause " not obey the rules" of speedrun. I also have said I could play to show you any my reject movie. I have the ability so do not afraid of performance online. But, in my opinion, which is "cheat", is that you use S/L, speed down, or joint movies, as some vicious means. I will tell you not all the Chinese like do cheat, like NG2 by firemizuque in 2016, you also give him a chance to show on scene, And like ddr3 & NG1 by Juzi87, is joint movies of vicious means. We could call they are cheaters. They have no ability to show their play online. Yesterday I received some information that said I am a suspect cheater, I do not agree. My Asyanax close to Tarbash for only 3.5 seconds, not violate rules of speedrun and I also have some new strategy to have possible to 15m29s, so interested player you said cheater? If not obey rules, super manager could give a warning in stead of not allow him submit and call him "cheater". Yes? Waiting for an answer


@diggitydingdong I'm not sure what the fuck you're on about, but I'm bored with helping people out and slapping down cheaters so I won't post again just for you.

China I have found back my old record Astyanax(Nes) in 15m41s, finished on Oct.1, and re-upload it again. The movie include:

  1. power-on
  2. no movie
  3. key tone
  4. camara with my fingers as many as I could show, and I donnot trust that someone could do such a cheat movie?
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

If I had a dollar everytime you said "movie"...

LOLMAN-0027 likes this


43 $

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