Individual levels (missions)
9 years ago
United States

Let's get some IL speedrunning going on with this (these) DLC(s).

How I see this working (potential standards):

  1. Removed. You're not required to exclusively use the replay feature.
  2. Removed. See next post.
  3. You're told your time upon mission completion. This would be the time you post.
  4. Mission 100% objectives do not need to be completed. As long as the mission is deemed "Completed", you're fine.
  5. Any%.
United States

I was told that when you replay a mission through the phone, you begin with a default loadout (weapons, ammo, health, armor), but this doesn't seem to be the case now that I tried it. Maybe this won't end up working out.

United States

The only way this would work would be if we allowed the use of the weapons cheat before replaying a mission. That way everyone could begin with full "everything". Either that or it's the less convenient play on a "zero times cheated" save file and purchase everything you need ahead of time at the gun shop. Personally, I don't care and this is imagining a hypothetical situation where there're tons of people competing for these times. There's absolutely no harm in allowing the use of the weapon cheat pre-mission. I ask, what is the harm, if any? You're never going to be able to prove someone used it unless there's extensive "proof policy" which needs to be covered within every video.

For an IL time to be considered "Valid":

  • No cheats used during the mission
  • Game files cannnot be modified in any way
  • Proof video must include the end screen which shows the final time
United States

So, can a mod go ahead and add "Level Leaderboards"?


IL example video (will reupload to include mission selection once the leaderboards are set up):

I think ILs for the 'HD era' games is a good idea, since you can replay them from a menu. and it gives a time (at least for most mission IIRC), even though I'm not really interested in running those games myself.

I don't like the idea of using cheats before starting the run, I don't think it should be allowed, even if there's no way to verify it. Any% and 100% (mission objectives) should 2 valid categories for every missions

Toronto, ON, Canada

If you want weapons easily, you can just keep a completed save file which will have plenty of money, buy what you want for the mission you're doing and not save over the file. Or if the weapon is given to you at the beginning of a mission, load that one up, fail it and bam, free weapon. No cheats needed. It doesn't particularly matter though.

I also don't see why its necessary to require it being from mission select. There are a few missions that you carry taxis through to mitigate RNG in the full any%. If this doesn't work from mission select, suddenly you have individual mission times that will almost never match a time in a single segment run, which is kind of silly.


I'm down for having IL, I'd attempt it quite a lot because it seems like a good idea to get the best times possible, I vote for it.

Toronto, ON, Canada

I added the level boards, didn't put rules yet and I'm going to add my times and the segmented times to get the boards started.

United States

Some levels, like Practice Swing, don't benefit from a SS playthrough, pre-mission vehicle setup such as a waiting taxi or faster vehicle. Requiring the missions be started from the phone was just a way to set some sort of standard. How many missions benefit from a "pre-mission vehicle setup" and if there're only a handful, can you name them for us? People can always get a savefile for before each of these missions. Hopefully there's less than 12.

I no longer feel starting the mission through the phone should be required.

Toronto, ON, Canada

Bang Bang and In The Crosshairs are the two I can remember off the top of my head. There may be ways to make it work for more though. Dropping in could use it if a way is found.

Toronto, ON, Canada

Bang Bang and In The Crosshairs are the two I can remember off the top of my head. There may be ways to make it work for more though. Dropping in could use it if a way is found.

United States

Disregard the IL I submitted for I Luv LC (the 2:16), there's a timing difference depending on how you start the mission (phone selection, new game). This may be the only mission which has this difference in timing, maybe because of it being the first mission (initial load or something), though it may be the case with all missions, i.e., you'll always get a faster time if you start the mission through the phone.

More to come...

United States

Alright, so it's 100% confirmed the timing is different for AT LEAST the first mission depending on how you start up the mission (see vid and info below). I know these IL's aren't taken very seriously at all, but imagine if they were. We would need some sort of conversion to determine the true time. Like, is a "I Luv LC 2:16 via mission select" actually a "I Luv LC 1:20 via new game"? It would appear so.

Kyle 1 (using HDD), started mission through the phone: First frame of fade in (control): 00;00;00 1st cutscene: 00;34;17 Regain control: 00;36;10 2nd cutscene: 00;46;09 Regain control: 00;51;03 3rd cutscene (headlights turn on): 00;54;13 Regain control: 00;56;29 4th cutscene: 01;44;14 Regain control: 01;47;01 5th cutscene: 02;04;10 Regain control: 02;05;24

Total cutscene: 13;04 Total control: 34;17 + 09;29 + 03;10 + 47;15 + 17;09 = 01;52;20 Mission time: 2:16

Kyle 2 (using HDD), started mission via a new game: First frame of fade in (control): 00;00;00 1st cutscene: 00;33;11 Regain control: 00;35;07 2nd cutscene: 00;45;04 Regain control: 00;50;11 3rd cutscene (headlights turn on): 00;53;19 Regain control: 00;56;24 4th cutscene: 01;46;02 Regain control: 01;47;28 5th cutscene: 02;04;00 Regain control: 02;05;18

Total cutscene: 13;22 Total control: 33;11 + 09;27 + 03;08 + 49;08 + 16;02 = 01;51;26 Mission time: 2:19

Josh (using SSD), started mission via a new game: First frame of fade in (control): 00;00;00 1st cutscene: 00;34;11 Regain control: 00;36;03 2nd cutscene: 00;46;00 Regain control: 00;50;21 3rd cutscene (headlights turn on): 00;53;21 Regain control: 00;55;25 4th cutscene: 01;45;06 Regain control: 01;46;11 5th cutscene: 02;03;09 Regain control: 02;04;18

Total cutscene: 11;01 Total control: 34;11 + 09;27 + 03;00 + 49;11 + 16;28 = 01;53;17 Mission time: 2:21

Difference between Josh & Kyle 2 control time = 01;21 == 1.7 seconds

United States

Comparing Noz's 2:16 and 2:19 (both started via a new game): (Load 1 begins with the final appearance of I Luv LC.... just before gaining control)

2:16: load 1- ;26 (0.87) play 1- 41;21 load 2- 2;14 play 2- 12;16 load 3- 6;05 play 3- 3;13 load 4- 3;17 play 4- 1;00;09 load 5- 3;00 play 5- 20;12 Total load- 16;02 Total play- 2;18;11

2:19: load 1- 1;22 (2.73) play 1- 42;07 (42.23) load 2- 2;06 (2.2) play 2- 12;15 load 3- 6;09 play 3- 3;11 load 4- 3;19 play 4- 1;00;17 load 5- 3;21 play 5- 20;12 Total load- 17;17 Total play- 2;19;02

Load difference- 1;15 (1.50) Play difference- ;21 (0.70) Total difference- 2;06 (2.20)

Edited by the author 7 years ago
United States

A few things should be added to the IL board:

  1. Add the V-sync variable to 100% completion and set it to 'Required' and 'Values obsolete eachother' for both Any% and 100%.
  2. Add another variable, maybe named "Activation", which will be used to identify how the mission was activated. Values should be named "Marker" and "Menu", or more detailed names if that'd be better. The reason to have this variable is because the IGT is affected by how the mission was activated (probably because of initial loads). Set this variable to 'Required' and 'Values obsolete eachother' as well. (Any% and 100%)

¤ IMO, we should have 'Values obsolete eachother' checked so only a person's fastest time shows up

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Hampshire, England

Done and done, set the default "Activation" value to "Marker" for all runs without it, I'll have a quick look to see if I can fix any. (Had to apply it to runs without them because when it's set to "Required" the runs don't show up if they don't have one)

I also thing it applied to runs without the V-Sync variable too so we'll have to check for those

EDIT: Seems like the filter is buggy, so make sure to reapply the "Any" filter to the "Activation" filter otherwise runs don't show up...

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Toronto, ON, Canada

On the topic of Vsync, it also seems to matter what your refresh rate is i.e. vsync on at 60hz will time differently than vsync on at 100hz.

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Individual Levels (ILs) have been removed

Dear Tonies, it is with sorrow that we announce that, as of September 18, level leaderboards have been deleted from the game. The reasoning being that the in-game time that is displayed in the menu at the end of missions is flawed (as it is heavily dependent on FPS) and therefore not an accurate rep

1 year ago