Any% (Abraful) - G_heinz - June 2020
Any% (Abraful) - G_heinz - June 2020
Updated 3 years ago by G_heinz

This route takes inspiration from the original Sapphire route (ca. 2012-2016), using Abra to speed up backtracking around Hoenn. The main benefits are the ability to delay Brawly until after Flannery, and do Mt. Pyre before Winona so that you can fight her as Swampert. I'm not sure how much slower it is than Abraless, but no more than 1.5 min, probably closer to a minute. Recommended if your goal time isn't 1:57 basically, as this route can comfortably sub-2 with good manips and clean fights.

Link: [Updated 21 Jun 2020]