Can someone explain "Curve Manipulation"?
22 days ago

Can someone explain "Curve Manipulation"?

United States

curve manip used to be a joke name for a strat that didn't exist but now it's a pixel perfect WAR strat used in the second last room. it's really not worth learning unless you're going for the IL WR because it only saves about a second for a difficult trick at the very end of a very reset heavy run, but if you want to know how to do it i'll explain anyway:

(this likely won't make a lot of sense without a visual to add to the explanation so here's curve manip being used in a run)

after entering the room, you need to jump and shoot to slow down, then climb the wall, run, and then dive. during the dive, you need to start holding grab to enable popup for the next wallclimbs. keep running until you absolutely have to jump to avoid hitting the next wall, you need to make sure you reach 20 speed. from here, run off of the platform, and you need to shoot when you are directly above the second of the three clock pickups. during the beginning of the shot, you can not hold any directional inputs in order to keep as much of your speed as possible. however, after 8 frames you need to hold left in order to start losing speed. (for a visual cue, this is slightly before the end of the background pillar) continue holding left until the shot ends, and then you will land moving to the left in a fastwalk at 14 speed.


Wow, very nice explanation, now I know it! But, what about instaturns with the gun? It doesn't seem really consistent with neutral shot and fast fall?

Wielkopolskie, Poland

what was the joke originally about and how did it get inserted into an actual stratedgy

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Hello folks.

Since No Major Glitches is by far the more popular and enjoyed category for full-game runs, we thought we'd protect IL runners from having to contend with that side of the game if they don't wish to.

This is open to change if the interest is there, but for now, **individual level runs

3 months ago
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