That's why you never reset the run when you have to reset 1-1 after the first shot.
Shout-out literally nobody, my haters never acknowledged that I could pull this off. They sleep on me.
Actually, shout-out @pnaha for being a legend. I'm actually a bit upset I beat your run, honestly. This run will be beat soon, and you will be pushed down the leaderboard. Do you care? I don't know, but I know I care about it myself. It's cool to still see you at the top, and I'm the agent of change taking that away.
Actually, also, shout-out @britsha for believing in me, as always. I actually did a run after I said "Hey, wouldn't it be funny if i ran X and got the world record". You put up with me, somehow. That's cool.
Actually, also, also, shout-out @PoetryStud for letting me know that there's a longstanding theory related to the generativity of language that holds that most if not all adult humans have said sentences that have never been uttered before.
Actually, also, also, also, shout-out to me shouting out @PuppisFoetor during the run (can you find it???)