Glitchless in 14m 33s 050ms by
I thought i broke the rules so i panicked. i looked at catagory rules and reread so this one was later than others i submitted. sorry guys. time for this run was 14:12:99. would have been faster but i experimented in the dungeon trying to get an edge. i gained some time by skipping map and compass but not going to get on the leader board though.
[Retimed to 14:33.050 -LG]
Muted Audio on Twitch Highlights
Recently, many longer runs submitted as Twitch highlights have had parts of their audio muted due to Twitch's automatic copyright detection, the most frequent case being long sections of Lost Woods music. Some vods will even give a network error at these parts which can cause several minutes of foot
Recent runs
Level: Fire Temple
Level: Inside the Deku Tree