6 years ago
Devon, England

If anyone else wants to run a particular catagory that I haven't listed already feel free to post it here.


Not a new category and not personally planning to run it on PS4 but I'd recommend adding PS4 options.

Texas, USA

possibly a glitchless run

Devon, England

I'd be happy to add a no major glitches category for people who want it. So no out of bounds and such. I feel like the triple jump is fine. Reason why I haven't added already is just due to lack of popularity. Would you prefer if it was no triple jump as well?

Also as a side note thinking about how 100% would work out. Been taking a break from the game at the moment so far.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
United States

I would think 100% would mean collecting every memory + beat voden (Personally).

As for a glitchless, a lot of our OOB certainly cause a barrier to entry, especially things like flippy skip and Ludomir skip. I know my very first run of the game was over 5 hours long, spending over an hour on each flippy skip. My dislike for that skip is what motivated me to find my alternative.

Depending on how people feel, 100% may be able to help with the OOB problems. Since we will need the seals to reach all of the memories anyway, we wont be able to skip Draga D1. Hence no flippy skip.

Devon, England

Yeah honestly I'm terrible with the skips that's why I haven't really progressed further with that so i'd totally be up for the Glitchless and 100% still key thing I think would be do we allow triple jumps to skip fights in it and such.

So I'm thinking at least for the moment for 100%

  • Starts when entering the first day
  • Must collect all 24 memories + display you've collected them before the final fight (Just for verification)
  • Time ends in the cutscene throwing sword in to Voden.
Edited by the author 6 years ago
Texas, USA

100% rules sound fine for me but i wont be running that much.

For Glitchless, I think triple jump would be a minor glitch since it is used mostly to skip unneeded fights. The big ones would be no OOB or other major glitches that we find later on.

so it would look like: -Start when entering the first day

  • No OOB or major glitches
  • Triple jump ok
  • Time ends in the cutscene throwing sword in to Voden
Devon, England

Okay cool glad to have others opinions before I go ahead and put it up there.

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