Guide for calculating IGT
8 years ago
North Carolina, USA I think this should finally settle the issue with loading times. Seems like the best solution.

If you have any questions/think I should change something, please reply here.

AeonsTorn likes this

walrus this is great i will do it to me and koffings upcoming low% race

Gaming_64 likes this
Virginia, USA

So should we edit our own runs in the leaderboard or let Mishu do it?

North Carolina, USA

Not sure yet. I guess let's just wait until the IGT column is up or something?


All of this will be up within 48/72 hours. Column and any% run edited.

It's fine to me to do all the stuff, but I'd check eventual mistakes in personal runs.

Also, video-proofless runs may be inaccurate w/o loading times. I'll proceed with all the rest :^)

Virginia, USA

My run is a 23:45 IGT. Just stating it here to save you some time.

ANSIA likes this

Yes, that helps me thank you

North Carolina, USA

How will submitting a run work? Just put the IGT in the comment?

Virginia, USA

This is awesome. Great job Walrus!

North Carolina, USA

Thanks, I hope it's helpful for the IGT stuff. And Mishu, if you need help with converting all the times just tell us.

Edit: Mishu, I just noticed there was a mistake on the chart. I hope you haven't started timing the runs yet :(. DS runs are unaffected, but you will have to redo VC and emu times if you have started already. I'm really sorry :(.


It's fine, haven't started yet.

Also, for everyone wanting to help, just post your w/o loadings any% time here without submitting your run again.

I'd like to calculate all the times first and then adjust leaderboards later so that they don't look messed up all the time.

And yes, in case I have some issues I'll post my problem here.

North Carolina, USA

I'm waiting for the columns to be set up before I submit my run, but when I do, IGT is 22:01.6.

ANSIA likes this

I'm almost done with times, this didn't have to take this long, I'm sorry

There's a problem with runs without video proof, they can't be accurate as we don't know where the runner probably died. For future runs I'd propose people have to tell where they did something extra things compared to top three runs and/or providing s o u n d p r o o f.

Also, I'm not able to calculate ms, my PC is dead. Once it'll work again, I'll give at all the runs a look, so that we can have at least a second accuracy, slowly.

Any help is appreciated and thanks to people who already helped!


i noticed something what are the loading times for 3DS? use my run if needed

Gaming_64 likes this
North Carolina, USA

Just timed 3ds for world 1 and it's the same as DS/DSi.

Mishu, thanks for all the work you did on this. Do you think you should put a link to the igt guide in the description for any%? Or do you calculate it when you verify a run?

ANSIA likes this
Virginia, USA

One more question. What about European vs American?

North Carolina, USA

Nope. Both versions run the same.


Rules have been modified!

Feel free to suggest clearer/better definitions (even in terms of spaces between sentences ecc..)

Madrid, Spain

in 100% how does the IGT work, because it is not as perfect as any%, so are the extra door/pipe loading times to substract or just in 100% we substract the console loading times?

North Carolina, USA

Not many people run the categories besides any%, so we don't take off the loading times for them. We just use the real time.

ANSIA likes this
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Changes To Video Requirements And Emulator Loading Times

Hi everyone, please read below for information regarding some important changes to video proof and emulator timing.

As of September 12th 2022, runs for all categories will require video proof to be verified on the leaderboard. Previously video proof was only required for Any% runs, however we are

1 year ago