100% in 2h 37m 43s by
World's first 2:3X:XX on emulator with an improvement of about five minutes. I had a little more than several deaths and resets which is to be expected in a category this long and difficult, but most did not lose too much time. I also managed to do both 7-1 and 7-2 without dying or resetting once which is very uncommon.
I'm done with this category for now to focus on "All Levels".
Played on: DesMuMe 0.9.13
Full Recording:
Changes To Video Requirements And Emulator Loading Times
Hi everyone, please read below for information regarding some important changes to video proof and emulator timing.
As of September 12th 2022, runs for all categories will require video proof to be verified on the leaderboard. Previously video proof was only required for Any% runs, however we are
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