Speed glitch in the new route
Speed glitch in the new route
Geüpdatet 9 years ago door

You have to execute this trick pretty much like the normal speed glitch (with the bicycle) but with other effects, and depending on where you're in the route, you won't use the same effects:

Very first speed glitch has to be done after getting MEDAMAUDE:

  1. Sit on the chair by pressing Z
  2. Open menu and select MEDAMAUDE effect
  3. After selecting the effect press Z in order to move with the chair
  4. Leave Madotsuki's room
  5. Press 5 in order to spawn MEDAMAUDE
  6. Take the egg back and select it from the menu immediately after
  7. Go back to Madotsuki's room
  8. Sit on the invisible chair
  9. Leave the chair by facing down and pressing Z

After getting WITCH and before going for POOP HAIR you have to execute speed glitch differently:

  1. Sit on the chair by pressing Z
  2. Open menu and select YUKI-ONNA effect
  3. Immediately after, open the menu and select HAT AND SCARF
  4. Press Z in order to move with the chair
  5. Press 1 to use HAT AND SCARF effect, and press 1 again to go back to normal
  6. Open menu and select MEDAMAUDE
  7. Sit on the chair by pressing Z (even though there's no chair, but Madotsuki will sit down it's k)
  8. Leave chair by facing down and pressing Z

After getting NEON and before going for KNIFE you'll have to execute the speed glitch ¤8:

  1. Sit on the chair by pressing Z
  2. Open menu and select YUKI-ONNA effect
  3. Immediately after, open the menu and select HAT AND SCARF
  4. Press Z in order to move with the chair
  5. Press 1 to use HAT AND SCARF effect, and press 1 again to go back to normal
  6. Open menu and select BICYCLE
  7. Sit on the chair by pressing Z (even though there's no chair, but Madotsuki will sit down it's k)
  8. Leave chair by facing down and pressing Z

You'll have to repeat the speed glitch ¤8 after getting the TRIANGLE KERCHIEF and before going for FROG.

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