Englandsellz909 years ago

On the flash bangs if we do the race twice as the method to get the level of respect needed you will have $2500-$2850 after so you could get 10 if you wanted on the drive to clearing out the shanties.

On the Tornado after an hour and a half I have found a way to get the spawn to happen. get a heli (thinking of a Horizon after Insurance fraud) land it on the roof nest to the heli pad walk up to the doors going into the police station facing them then turn around if the Tornado hasn't spawned get back in the Horizon fly over the water until all the red dots on the mini map in the police station disappear then repeat the process of landing walking up to the doors and turning around and eventfully the Tornado will be there.

The spawn rate will still be low it is just the best way of rerolling the spawns I found. So on the first time land and do the wiretap strats if you don’t get it use the Horizon method. Obviously Insurance Fraud goes back before the wiretaps again.

Englandsellz909 years ago

Thats great news that it rerolls it should cut down resets. Quick question by walking into the police station does it count as entering from the heli pad or does it have to be the front door? I can't find any info on spawn/despawn radii.

Honestly once we get the first hour routed the rest will just be logic and will fall into the place. My old route for the mission will probery be there or there abouts just switching Rebadeaux Septic Avenger for Demo derby which links with the next part of University stronghold anyway and maybe moving a mission or 2 about and it will be done.

Englandsellz909 years ago

I ran going to the tornado 20 or so times to see what the spawn rate is and from the looks of it, it isn't great. I saw it spawn 1 time so I’m starting to think it may be as low as 5%. Another thing I didn’t see any evidence that checking during each tap rerolled the spawn if it didn’t spawn when checked during the first wire tap it never did in the following 3 checks it is hard to distinguish if the reroll was happening or not further testing is need for that but it is not like we lose time checking anyway and it seemed to reroll in SOB revelations strat vid so we can hope we need every bit of it for that spawn lol.

My only suggestion is to tweak the route so it is more resets friendly To S1, S2 1 level gain, S3 then go to police station listen to wiretaps and look for the tornado. If it is there fly back and save it then fly it to Insurance fraud which has the 3 upsides in that resets come quicker 15mins rather than 23-24mins, it can be used to fly to the airport on the first level saving time that way and the save warp after Insurance fraud goes straight to S4.

Couple of other things call Dex as soon as you get in the tornado it seems that it is possible for his number to be deleted from your phone before it is called and Insurance fraud doesn’t give you 3 levels like I thought it give you high two but doing S4 and Samedi 1 consistently got me the third level needed for Revelations.

Englandsellz909 years ago

The way I normally route games that are longish single segment runs is on high consistency strats. I put some thought into what would be my route if I was doing it as a segmented run or reset heavy single segment. The only issue with the route is getting the tornado spawn it is seemingly somewhere around a 10-20% spawn the question comes is the fast route worth the high reset count 17 or so mins in to a 5-6 hour run and from what I see the answer is properly that it is. The tornado from the start of the game is so huge I would give up unlimited Gal for the Kobras (not much of a downgrade anyway) as I feel Sub 5 becomes a real possibility.

Something like:

S1, S2 get 1 level of respect (possibly doing the race twice), S3, Insurance fraud 3 levels so you get 3 respect, either ending by harrow gate police department or taxi there listen to the wire taps get Dex’s number, get the tornado save it, Do S4 in tornado, Then Samedi 1 (in tornado if possible) after mission call Dex taxi to the church, Revelations then buy car for level 6 respect boost. From there I would do whatever activity get you unlimited ammo the quickest so I would assume fuzz in Tornado then prison fight club save warp after get unlimited ammo weapon and go on with missions from there.

Englandsellz909 years ago

I get to level 9 18 missions from the end I do 16 of them on the remaining 10 I have after finishing fight club and I can comfortable keep respect going up gain levels on gun streaks until I finish Ultor . I get a taxi to Crowd control near the shopping mall Ultor stronghold do 3 levels of that getting the final 4 levels needed then go to the end finishing the run with zero levels to spare.

I left the fight club until then as it is located very close to the foreign power so I buy the cars discard them all then do the fight club with the 45% boost. Is it possible to do with level 7 or 8 maybe but I was worried of being caught short near the end and not having the respect level for Ultor 1.

Englandsellz909 years ago

@Far Revelation gives you 30k as a cash reward for doing it in turn with that money you buy a magma and get to level 6 style giving you a 30% boost on respect earned. Doing an activity to completion gets you 52,500 respect with no multiplier so with 30% you get an extra 15,750 which is basically like getting a 2x level 6 reward plus 1,750. SO every 4 full activities you do you get the equivalent of a 5th in bonus respect so that is a 20min save.

That in itself is enough of a justification but what else it lets you do is from just 2 level 6 activities complete you get enough respect to string enough missions together to get the money then needed to upgrade again before having to do other activities speeding respect earned by 35-45% by the end of the run. When you hit level 9 style and have the 45% respect boost you are able to earn whole levels of respect from just shooting gang member streaks. In my route 4 activities to level 6 are done and 1 l activity to level 3 is done without the boosts you would need to do 7-8 to level 6.

@SOB Is that Oppressor spawn consistent enough I was under the impression that it is a rare spawn like the Tornado on the police station?

Englandsellz909 years ago

I way I see it the first obstacles to be solved are the following:

1.The first level(s) of respect to be gained after S2

2.Whether Revelation is locked in as the way we make quick cash

3.Whether we go S2 - S3 - Revelation then activities or S2 - Revelation - activities then S3 possibly in a heli

4.When, which and where activities are done in the route with the idea of time to reward value, style boost and travel to the activity

  1. Insurence fraud until level 6 airport strats are a must but to level 3 reseting for close by/ good area is properly the way to go but them you don’t get a heli at the end.

For 1 up to now I have been using the nearby race to get to level 1 respect. Doing it twice gets you there comfortably. No doubt there may be better options but that is the first way I came up with to do it quickly

For 2 I was the one who came up with the Revelation strat 30k allows you level 6 style and I reasoned that the time invested to get the money to do that was offset by the time saved no having to complete extra activities.

For 3 I personally go the second way but I see the benefits of the first I did some test and found that snatch in a heli is possible, as your vehicle is fixed at the end of each level, But the risk is very much there if you get caught on any sort of ledge it is very likely the heli is done and you with it.

For 4 like I have said before the only upgrades that are remotely worth a detour for are unlimited ammo for any gun and increased/ infinite sprint the rest are just getting them done quickly. The dream scenario for me would be both fight clubs level 6 demo derby level 6 snatch level 6 or fuzz level 6 for unlimited ammo and insurance fraud level 3/6 and if needed crowd control level 3.

For 5 it hinges on snatch if that gets locked in for twin Gal unlimited ammo then a heli is desirable so level 6 with airport may be the way to go even if technically level 3 rewards will suffice along with the fact the main bulk of respect come for level 5 and 6 but that is more time consuming than 3 levels.

topic: Saints Row
Englandsellz909 years ago

These are a draft of the rule if there is any semantics people would like added, cleared up or that you question an aspect of the rules speak up I want to ensure fairness for everyone.

I have added a possible 3rd category for SR3 if it is wanted I'll add it as a misc category, if there are any other misc categories you would like added request it and it there is a demand for a board for it, it will be added. This could be new game plus variations, practice blocks of the game e.g. SR3 up to Return to Steelport or misc collectable runs or other gimmick runs.

topic: Saints Row
Englandsellz909 years ago

SR 1 Any%: The run is a real time attempt the timer starts when you gain control of the character following the opening cut scenes and ends as you enter the final marker to start the last cut scene. The run must be started on a new game, no dlc content is permitted. Taxi travel is allowed to be used throughout the run. Save warps are permitted throughout the run.

SR 1 100%: The run is a real time attempt the timer starts when you gain control of the character following the opening cut scenes and ends as you enter the final marker to start the last cut scene you must have all activities, collectables and missions that give % completed before entering the final cut scene. The run must be started on a new game, no dlc content is permitted. Taxi travel is allowed to be used. Save warps are permitted throughout the run.

SR2 Any%: The run is a real time attempt the timer starts when you gain control of the character after the character creation menu and ends on the fadeout after Dane Vogel dies. The run must be started on a new game, no dlc content or pre-order code rewards are permitted. Taxi travel is allowed to be used throughout the run. Save warps are permitted throughout the run.

Additional notes: It is advised that profile data is to be deleted between resets as effects of other save files have been known to bleed over if this does happen no matter how small or irrelevant the effect is the run is invalid. On completing a run it is advised you save the game to get the In Game Time this is for safety should the community ever decide to switch timing methods.

SR2 100%: The run is a real time attempt the timer starts when you gain control of character the after the character creation menu and ends on completing the objective that gives you the final percentage for the game save to show 100%. All activities, collectables and missions that give % must be completed in order for it to be a 100% run. The run must be started on a new game, no dlc content or pre-order code rewards are permitted. Taxi travel is allowed to be used throughout the run. Save warps are permitted throughout the run.

Additional notes: It is advised that profile data is to be deleted between resets as effects of other save files have been known to bleed over if this does happen no matter how small or irrelevant the effect is the run is invalid. On completing a run it is advised you save the game to get the In Game Time this is for safety should the community ever decide to switch timing methods.

SR3 Any%: The run is a real time attempt the timer starts when you gain control of the character following the opening cut scenes and ends on the fadeout after either Cyrus’ jet is killed or on the fadeout after Killbane is killed only one ending is required for completion in Any%. The run must be started on a new game, no dlc content is permitted. Save warps are permitted throughout the run.

Additional notes: It is advised that profile data is to be deleted between resets as effects of other save files have been known to bleed over if this does happen no matter how small or irrelevant the effect is the run is invalid. On completing a run it is advised you save the game to get the In Game Time this is for safety should the community ever decide to switch timing methods.

SR3 100% The run is a real time attempt the timer starts when you gain control of the character following the opening cut scenes and ends on completing the objective that gives you the final percentage for the game save to show 100%. All activities, collectables and missions that give % must be completed in order for it to be a 100% run. The run must be started on a new game, no dlc content is permitted. Save warps are permitted throughout the run.

Additional notes: It is advised that profile data is to be deleted between resets as effects of other save files have been known to bleed over if this does happen no matter how small or irrelevant the effect is the run is invalid. On completing a run it is advised you save the game to get the In Game Time this is for safety should the community ever decide to switch timing methods.

SR3 Double Ending%: The run is a real time attempt the timer starts when you gain control of the character following the opening cut scenes and ends on the fadeout after either Cyrus’ jet is killed or on the fadeout after Killbane is killed both endings are required for completion in Double Ending. The run must be started on a new game, no dlc content is permitted. Save warps are permitted throughout the run.

Additional notes: It is advised that profile data is to be deleted between resets as effects of other save files have been known to bleed over if this does happen no matter how small or irrelevant the effect is the run is invalid. On completing a run it is advised you save the game to get the In Game Time this is for safety should the community ever decide to switch timing methods.

SR4 Any%: The run is a real time attempt the timer starts when you gain control of the character following the opening cut scenes and ends on the fadeout after Zinyak’s head is raise after killing him. The run must be started on a new game, no dlc content is permitted. Save warps are permitted throughout the run.

Additional notes: It is advised that profile data is to be deleted between resets as effects of other save files have been known to bleed over if this does happen no matter how small or irrelevant the effect is the run is invalid. On completing a run it is advised you save the game to get the In Game Time this is for safety should the community ever decide to switch timing methods.

SR4 100%: The run is a real time attempt the timer starts when you gain control of the character following the opening cut scenes and ends on completing the objective that gives you the final percentage for the game save to show 100%. All activities, collectables and missions that give % must be completed in order for it to be a 100% run. The run must be started on a new game, no dlc content is permitted. Save warps are permitted throughout the run.

Additional notes: It is advised that profile data is to be deleted between resets as effects of other save files have been known to bleed over if this does happen no matter how small or irrelevant the effect is the run is invalid. On completing a run it is advised you save the game to get the In Game Time this is for safety should the community ever decide to switch timing methods.

SR4 Bad Ending%: The run is a real time attempt the timer starts when you gain control of the character following the opening cut scenes and ends when the game over screen is show after Red door is selected. The run must be started on a new game, no dlc content is permitted. Save warps are permitted throughout the run.

Additional notes: It is advised that profile data is to be deleted between resets as effects of other save files have been known to bleed over if this does happen no matter how small or irrelevant the effect is the run is invalid. On completing a run it is advised you save the game to get the In Game Time this is for safety should the community ever decide to switch timing methods.

Englandsellz909 years ago

@SOB I have watch the part of your stream where you did Insurance Fraud and used your method for it, as it is far quicker than doing it normally, but even with this it is quite a bit slower than septic avenger I run on console so the timing is obviously different but for me it is 8mins slower so if infinite sprint save more than 8mins over the run, which on instinct I would say it will, the switch up is worth it.

@martin to me tyhe only reward that are worth it are unlimited ammo in any weapon and infinite sprint I personally wouldn’t go out of the way to pick up anything other than these 2.

Also about my route: I do Revelation solely as a way to get quick cash in order it get style bonus as early as possible it is 30k for 7ish min mission and it allows you to get to style level 6 with a 30% boost on respect earn. Doing an activity to completion gets you 52,500 respect with no multiplier so with 30% you get an extra 15,750 which is basically like getting a 2x level 6 reward plus 1,750. SO every 4 full activities you do you get the equivalent of a 5th in bonus respect so that is a 20min save.

If we could find a way of getting big money fast we could cut out this mission all together saving both the time doing it and the level use to do the mission. I have an idea to abuse the chops shop by calling in taxis to deliver but I have yet to test that speed wise.

Also had the idea to take the heli (horizon as it has 4 seats) after Insurance fraud and do snatch in the heli I know it is possible to pick them up what I need to find out is if it I viable to do all 6 level without destroying the heli letting you fly to saints 3 and doing saints 3 in the heli after which you can save it and use it for saints 4.

Englandsellz909 years ago

The Rusty's Needle strat is a nice find the style boost of clothes and tats aren't the greatest and when compared with what is gotten from buying car but it is definitely quicker. The prison warp is nice it combats Carlos’ poor path finding through the prison and will keep early resets low, no one like to loses any time that quickly into the run, and the fact it is 10secs quicker is better still.

The next thing we need to sort is which Activities need to be done in a way that balances reward against time taken. The ones I picked in my route were the ones that flow the best in order to get around the map but with taxi and an easy save warp they may be able to be improved. In the placement of when to them I think it has a pretty good balance between having the respect in hand to string missions together and the boost you get from style rank but I had to sacrifice infinite sprint to get it so.

I have found a way to get the Factories Insurance Fraud in, in place of Suburbs Expansion District Septic Avenger, the only issue is that the insurance fraud takes longer but has a far better reward. I need to work out whether the time save with infinite sprint is greater than the time lost in doing the longer activity or if there is a way to get the insurance fraud more consistent in terms of time taken as the main plus of Septic Avenger is that it is easy to consistent times.

The route would be after Revelation take a taxi to Harrowgate foreign power, buy the magma then drive over to Factories Insurance Fraud after the activity is complete take a taxi to the shop closest to Snatch Downtown District and contiue from there.

topic: Saints Row
Englandsellz909 years ago

OK thanks for the input SOB and FAR I am going to be drafting the rules for each run, something I have been reluctant to do with without input from other, and will put them in this thread sometime today or tomorrow if there is any semantics people would like added, cleared up or that you question an aspect of the rules speak up I want to ensure fairness for everyone.

Also I have put the basic any%/100% categories up yesterday I had a request of an additional misc category in SR4 of bad ending % if there are any other you want to see added e.g. tag runs, CD collections, cluster collection est. Ask and I’ll get the ones that are going to be run up.

topic: Saints Row
Englandsellz909 years ago

All Saints Row games combine game statistics for all the games time rather than save by save though the upgrades themselves are game by game. There is a bug that sometimes carries over upgrade if you open and play in one game file then quit and start a new game you may get some of the benefits, In saints row 2 you can often get all gold’s in the races and unlock the race Bezier finishing just one race but that would make the run invalid as an Any% attempt as it has become a new game plus. If this is done in a run it will not be accepted.

The way I proposes game time is take is by saving the game after the credit have been skipped. Saints row 1 is not an issue it is a console only so real time can be used as load times are similar if not identical. The issue arises when PC ports are bought into play in 2, 3 and 4. Not only do load times vary greatly, in 3 I have seen one runner have load screens consistently 2-3 secs slower per load which adds up to near double figure mins over the run) but the game itself also runs far slower for some than other and frame rate lag comes into play at times.

Right now I am asking every runner to include this final save to record IGT so it is easy if we decide that a switch from RT is needed.

Englandsellz909 years ago

I was pretty sure Challenges were included which was the reason I put routing it on the backburner. If in fact they are not that would be great and would remove quite a lot of time from the run.

I would be happy to help you route it would a nice challenge to balance out getting cluster vs using the faster void for missions.

Englandsellz909 years ago

100% as far as I know is all Missions, all Activities, all Challenges and all Collectibles.

The routing would be a pain I doubt that there will ever be anything even close to an optimized run

For collectable you would have to have an eidetic memory to remember all 1255 clusters location and though they are not hidden and are easily found they will be a time sink unless they were routed into the route while doing mission. This is without the audio log, Zinyak statues and Text Adventure logs that will also have to be routed in detours.

The challenges can be very grindy and you would properly end up having to do a 2-3 hour plus rampage after everything else is done to get some of them optimally you would want to do them as you go along the main game.

The Activities are mostly pretty straight forward but having to get gold in them all as it is part of the challenges is a pain there are 66 in total that you will have to be consistent to give you an idea in SR3 100% there are 56 activities and I have only ever managed 3 complete runs with no fails.

The missions for any% are 4 plus hours the side mission will easily add another 3 to that.

Englandsellz909 years ago

When I first saw you post this on SDA it looked like it could be quite useful for the run allowing you to get a fully upgraded pistol on the visit to the gun shop with Shaundi and letting you skip the second gun shop visit. Since then I have tested it a bit and found that you have to have the money for the upgrade you want even though it is not spent so the place we have always upgraded the pistol has to remain.

It does allow us to get the dual pistol upgrade when we get sprint upgrade and save time in the menu and during hitting the powder room so a decent 20secs or so.

Englandsellz909 years ago

Finished my route did my first SS run and got 5:50 IGT(not sure real time)

After you get level 9 style there is a need for you to keep on getting respect with gang kill streaks and the like. If a tag is nearby and convenient you should get it I have 9 at the end of my run and it is worth 4.5k respect. Dual Gals are OP use throughout as soon as you get them only other weapon used are rockets to blow up cars and planes in a couple of mission. You will often pick up food from dead gang members which can be used in a tight situation where health is needed.


Appointed: Defender on the way to the court house go close to the clothes shop in Harrowgate for the taxi ride latter

Do the race close by twice the end of the previous mission to get 1 level of respect.

Take taxi to the clothes shop in Harrowgate then drive to the police station. Listen to the 3 wiretaps then get the folder. Call dex then go to the ultor mission.

Revelation: after mission you will have about 32k take the tag near you then get a taxi to foreign power buy the magma.

Do Septic Avenger Suburbs Expansion District: at the end of this activity you will be downtown.

Do the Snatch Downtown District: after mission take taxi to foreign power by vortex we are now 1k style point to the next level multiplier.

Down Payment: do it in the vortex. Durring the mission when you are underground take the tag.

Samedi 1 SW

Ronin 1

Ronin 2

Samedi 2 TT

Samedi 3

Trailer park stronghold

Suburbs stronghold TT

Ronin 3

Ronin 4 TT

Humbolt PARK SW

Samedi 4 IH

Ronin 5 IH

Harrowgate foreign power buy 20k car

Rebadeaux stronghold

Septic Avenger down the road

University stronghold

Samedi 5 TT

Samedi 6

Samedi 7 TT

Ronin 6

Projects stronghold TT SW

Saints stronghold HT land in front

Brotherhood 1 road route use heli after

Samedi 8 IH

Samedi 9 IH

Samedi 10 IH

Samedi 11 IH

Museum stronghold TT

Ronin 7 TT

Ronin 8 IH

Suburbs stronghold TT

Ronin 9 TT SW

Ronin 10

Ronin 11 TT SW

Ultor Dome Foreign power spend 180k until level 9 Style rank TT

Fight club

Brotherhood 2 TT

Apartment stronghold

Brotherhood 3

China town Strongholds TT

Brotherhood 4

Docks Strong hold SW

Brotherhood 5 IH

Brotherhood 6

Brotherhood 7

Brotherhood 8

Airport stronghold SW

Brotherhood 9 IH get full rockets when you can

Brotherhood 10 IH

Brotherhood 11 TT use rockets for faster completion

Ultor Cut scene

Ultor 1 IH

Crowd control, near Shopping Centre do until you have 4 respect (normally 3 levels)

Shopping Centre Stronghold TT

Ultor 2 IH

Ultor 3 IH

Ultor 4 TT

IH = in heli get before mission trigger otherwise marker is gone TT = take taxi there SW = save load warp after

Englandsellz909 years ago

Did some routing last night and at about 4hs IGT in (Not optimized playing) I have the full sons of samedi arc done and over half of the Ronin and Brotherhood arcs with maybe another 5-8 respect levels needed to be gained at a 40% multiplier. I honestly think with a bit of work this will properly end up being as short as 1 which is a 5:30.

I should get a couple of hours tonight to finish off the route and I’ll post it then before going over it again to optimize it and mission strats to get it down to a good run overall.

Englandsellz909 years ago

The way I see it is doing an activity to completion gets you 52,500 respect with no multiplier so with 30% you get an extra 15,750 which is basically like getting a 2x level 6 reward plus 1,750. SO every 4 full activities you do you get the equivalent of a 5th in bonus respect.

Englandsellz909 years ago

Got the first part of my route it takes me 1:08:xx and I end with 16 levels of respect just shy of 17:


Appointed: Defender on the way to the court house go close to the clothes shop in Harrowgate for the taxi ride latter

Do the race close by twice the end of the previous mission to get 1 level of respect.

Take taxi to the clothes shop in Harrowgate then drive to the police station. Listen to the 3 wiretaps then get the folder. Call dex then go to the ultor mission.

Revelation: after mission you will have about 32k take the tag near you then get a taxi to foreign power buy the magma.

Do Septic Avenger Suburbs Expansion District: at the end of this activity you will be downtown.

Do the Snatch Downtown District: after mission take taxi to foreign power by vortex we are now 1k style point to the next level multiplier.

Down Payment: do it in the vortex. Durring the mission when you are underground take the tag.

Over sellz90
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