nathan78787 years ago

Can one of the mods change the rules on ACE.

It currently says... -XBLA, PSX, Emu PSX and PSN version -No Memory Corruption -No Special Code (Luck Mode, Axe Armor) -Timed at Final cutscene initiation

Can we change it to say something similar to this... -PS, PSN Version, PS EMU (Bizhawk/Mednafen) or -PSX, PSN Version, PSX EMU (Bizhawk/Mednafen)

-Memory Corruption -No Special Code (Luck Mode, Axe Armor) -Timed at Final cutscene initiation

Thanks ;)

nathan78787 years ago

Here is a tutorial ... it will show you how to perform the glitch and setup for speed runs.

I also submitted my Alucard Any% 10:19 to the leader boards, so we have at least one run on there.

Slozh en NITM-T vindt dit leuk
nathan78787 years ago

Yeah, I don't mind evaluating (or being a mod) for the ace stuff/runs... that is fine. I just got a capture card and have been practicing the route, so I should have a ps3 run for us in the near future.

Also been testing the ps1 bios from ps2 and psp (don't have a ps3/ps1 bios yet)... they seem to cause bizhawk to lag less. If anyone wants to test these bios on bizhawk or another emulator to see if they help with lag... here

nathan78787 years ago

Just got a ps3 super slim so testing has resumed...

On the emulator runs... I realized that we should be able to run the actual ps3 psn playstation 1 bios on bizhawk, so that might help fix some of the issues, more on that soon.

nathan78787 years ago

Have you ever used the XEBRA ps emulator? I used it once and it seemed pretty accurate for ace, I would have to double check though... but that could be another option besides bizhawk.

nathan78787 years ago

Then that is just another reason why we should probably only use real consoles for official ace runs.

nathan78787 years ago

my opinion on ACE is I want to see the game beaten on its normal intended basic mode "Alucard mode". Then go from start to credits as fast as possible... Luck mode and Axe Armor mode are technically extras, which is why I have come to not like them for ACE and why I think most speed runners probably don't run those modes even non ace.

I stopped my ace testing for acouple weeks because someone had been trying to hack into my laptop I use for testing, and it had me really paranoid for awhile. Maybe it was Sony scared that I might find a way to use the total control glitch for evil... lol jk

but I was still able to do some SOTN ace testing on PlayStation TV/Vita and I have determined that it is horrible for ace, you have to be so accurate on the 23 second timing part that is makes it super hard to do the ace run.

The Emulator that PlayStation 3 uses is the best hands down, I know that now. I don't have the PS3 that I was using for testing anymore, so I will probably take back the PlayStation TV and just end up buying a PS3 from the store, hopefully soon.

With the new arbitrary code I made for the end of the run, and how well ace works on PS3, anyone that has a PS3 should be able to do the credits warp pretty easily.

That really is my main goal, make ace as easy to do as possible, so hopefully one day someone can pull it off live at AGDQ or another speed running event.

Oh, and I know when we get to that point people will be doing ace runs on replay mode because no one really wants to watch the opening credits every time. So the way we can do that is by just creating a new memory card, do 1 non replay mode ace run... then you will have a cleared save file for the next replay runs.

Once the memory card is full of ace replay runs you can just transfer your 1 non replay run onto a new memory card and then do more replay runs (you can not just delete the saves off the memory card once it is full because the save glitch can still access that information you deleted and it can cause problems, so always use a fresh save file.)

When it comes to using emulators for official ace runs I am still a bit conflicted... especially on PSXJIN since the emulator is not very accurate, like it may let the glitch work where it would fail on a real console (kinda like what happened when I was using PSXFIN and doing runs). Bizhawk is the most accurate emulator for ace, but it is so accurate that just like the PlayStation TV's emulator it makes the ace glitch harder to do.

Over nathan7878
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