United StatesNerdyNester3 years ago

OK, its been close to a month so, I'm gonna be updating the start timer, and adding time without loads, which means I will be merging all runs together for a nice clean and consistent board.

United StatesNerdyNester3 years ago

Sorry for the late response, but just now seen this. I did not know that this game was on the WonderSwan, and find it neat that it is. I have no problems adding a category for this platform, but first would prefer if someone did a run, as empty categories look bad. Once someone does, just submit to any category, and one of the mods or myself will add it. :) Also, take note if any runs are complete please follow the same rules as the other console, so to make sure your run has a better chance of being verified.

United StatesNerdyNester3 years ago

After some thought I have went ahead and removed the one-handed category, as I feel it is not needed, and is not right to have.

FelipeNascimento83 en DustyTokyo vindt dit leuk
United StatesNerdyNester3 years ago

Something I have been thinking about lately and wanted to see what others thought. Since the game is not very active and there a few runners, I have been thinking about only having 2 categories. One would be Beat the game and the other would be Beat the game Co-OP. This would have all single player submissions under one category. This would mean that all runs would be timed without loads, meaning load times removed, allowing all runs to be timed the same. Reason being is with multiple ways to play this game, the board is starting to look a little clutter with all the extra categories. Before any changes are made, I wanted to get opinions about this, as some times will most likely be affected.

United StatesNerdyNester3 years ago

it is allowed, as im doing my arcade runs with a mister. we can add a variable np, good idea.

United StatesNerdyNester3 years ago

I am not sure why this run was accepted. you can clearly tell that this run is 1) cheated 2) on a mobile emulator 3) timed incorrectly 4) does not accurately represent lag of a snes. This is not fair to me and the others who have put the time into running this game. If modding this board is difficult, then please mod someone else to take over or help out. I myself would love to do this or if not me, then others like @Tenka, @spriven, @Habble, or @Dustytokyo. Even if it is someone else, then please, all we want is a board that we all can be proud of. IMO this board needs a major overhaul. The rules are vague, most platforms are put together, when clearly there needs to be separation, forums getting ignored, and the plus two months to accept a run is not good. It is hard for the street fighter speedrun community to even run this game. Not saying that the boards of SFA and SFA3 are better, but at least there we provide cleans boards, rules, and fairness. None of the mods here have taken the time to talk to the community here, or in the discord that has been around for years. Please fix this, and if you need help there are those who can, myself included.

FelipeNascimento83, The-Wavy-Commander en 3 anderen vindt dit leuk
topic: The Site
United StatesNerdyNester3 years ago

Hi there, I would like to request to be super mod of this game here The reason being is that the super mod left and I am the only mod of the game.

United StatesNerdyNester3 years ago

Done @webz80 Thanks for letting us know. :)

webz80 vinden dit leuk
United StatesNerdyNester3 years ago

Rules have been fixed and updated to reflect new categories. Sorry for the late reply and confusion.

Herasmie vinden dit leuk
United StatesNerdyNester3 years ago

Both IL board and Main board are done. Let me know if I missed anything. Looking forward to the runs. Good luck and have fun. :)

United StatesNerdyNester3 years ago

Created a discord as requested. Here is the link if you would like to join and discuss the game, game strats, chill, or discuss the anime. see you all there. :)

United StatesNerdyNester3 years ago

Yes, I totally forgot about the discord and will make it today. Thanks for reminding me :)

Herasmie vinden dit leuk
United StatesNerdyNester3 years ago

Ok, so after doing some research and reading everyone’s post I think that the best course of action is to adjust the board. Character categories will become variables and not sub cats like how we have them on the Mortal Kombat Boards. The exception will be Satsuki and Ryuko category will become a Misc category. With Story Mode B I have to agree with @Herasmie as it skips the first fight entirely but is the same as Story Mode A from there on. So, as I am not a believer in removing runs and if B modes are merged with A mode then B modes will always be fastest. Which will make A mode useless and so B Mode will become a Misc category on its own. There will be two main categories and I’m proposing Story mode and the other will be S-Ranks. When it comes to platforms, I feel that they should not be merged. Reason is that first the Switch version is a lag fest and should be its own. With regards to the PS4 version anyone running that version will be at a clear disadvantage against PC. Yes, there are two models of the PS4 and which one someone plays on determines how fast a run will be potential, as it is the same as a runner with a powerful PC while using an SSD. Now with the PS5 out that will be allowed to be used on the PS4 category and I feel that it still won’t match the speed of a PC and if it does then perhaps runs done on a PS5 can be moved to the PC category. Once I get a PS5 I will be able to test that out unless someone else does first. So, the board structure will be Story Mode followed by the sub category of difficulty No stars and 3 stars and finally the sub categories of which platform. As far as the Cover challenge, I too feel that it is a great idea and the IL board will be perfect for it. Let me know what yall think and thank you for your input.

Herasmie vinden dit leuk
United StatesNerdyNester3 years ago

@Trendkill14 the discussions about the changes was conducted mainly on the umk3 forum. here it is if you are curious.

United StatesNerdyNester3 years ago

hi @Trendkill14 it is one of the subjects that is being discussed and have added the character specific categories. if you look under full game leaderboard there will be level leaderboard. click on that and the individual characters will be there. if you attempt any runs say for Sonya then click on the Sonya tab and submit your run there. also, please make sure to go over the rules and have any questions ask here or in the mk discord.

United StatesNerdyNester3 years ago

HI there @TheIntercom thank you for creating the category. I hope that others like @MedTechSpurs and I will be interested in running this version. I noticed that there are other Saturn runs on the arcade leader board like mine and I would suggest possibly moving them over to the Saturn Category. Thanks again! <3

Tenka vinden dit leuk
United StatesNerdyNester3 years ago

Hi all FH/Karnov runners! We have created a new discord for anyone interested and to also submit your INP files to. Hope to see some new faces there. :) Here is the link if you would like to join.

Tenka vinden dit leuk
United StatesNerdyNester3 years ago

Hi all FH/Karnov runners! We have created a new discord for anyone interested and to also submit your INP files to. Hope to see some new faces there. :) Here is the link if you would like to join.

United StatesNerdyNester3 years ago

Hi all FH/Karnov runners! We have created a new discord for anyone interested and to also submit your INP files to. Hope to see some new faces there. :) Here is the link if you would like to join.

LeandroAmadeu vinden dit leuk
Over NerdyNester
Retro Gamer doing as many Speedrun Adventures as I can.
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