New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries4 years ago
  • Overall, the max allowed RTA time for runs to be retimed is 2:05 for Recruit and 2:30 for Veteran
  • If your run is exceeding these times, and you need a retime, your run will be kept as RTA, as it is impractical to retime your run.
  • We will make exceptions if needed, but overall the rule will be applied to everyone. If you are on PC use the ASL
BinExpert vinden dit leuk
topic: The Site
New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries4 years ago

Hey, so for Fear Perseus Mandate the mod has been offline since September. I have tried contacting him around the time I submitted a run for Extraction point, but he never got back to me on his twitter.

New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries4 years ago

I have decided to add ACT runs into mw2019; even though the game itself does not have defined "ACTs" I came up with some that seem to follow the flow of the game.

  • Act one will go from Fog of war to the end of Embassy
  • Act 2 will go from Highway of Death to the end of Captive
  • Act 3 will go from Old comrades to the end of Into the Furnace

I have done so to allow the game to be split up and not have just the options of ILs and Full game; this also gives new runners an ability to have something to do for individual sections.

I will leave this post open for discussion but overall it'll only be to change the layout of which levels are in which ACT

BinExpert vinden dit leuk
New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries4 years ago

So as you all know, many (I mean many) Call of Duty games have an ASL and V-meter; so this game is no exception. ATM the v-meter and ASL are being uploaded to livesplit and should be installed within a day or less.

  • These both are mandatory for PC runners if you get top 3 places; however, if you get less than the top 3 you do not have to use either. BUT your run will be verified as RTA.
  • If you run on console this does not affect you at all; however please do not manually pause your timer as this is inaccurate.

I hope everyone understands these rules and if you have any questions contact me or Klooger

BinExpert, DomeTaxer, en Matthewwwwww vindt dit leuk
New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries4 years ago

Firstly, thank you for reading all the forum posts; it's super helpful you read the second point especially. Secondly, because of the fact that there are multiple versions of the same thing we selected the most asked for/ most played. If there is a mode not added either nobody has asked at the community discord, join the discord, or has contacted me about it.

If you would like a mode added please contact me through the messaging system or through discord; but please do not make another thread as it notifies everybody who follows the game and at the moment it is Number of followers 105.

BinExpert vinden dit leuk
New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries4 years ago

please actually read forum posts before you actually make ones over here as well. It's FFA, max bots, and recruit. you may not change any of the settings in "game rules."

you may do whatever you want with layout and sens however as there are no rules for it

New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries4 years ago

God% is impossible because of the inability to use a console. I do agree veteran% should be a cat. again, any% cheat cannot exist as the console does not exist

BOZAK_115 vinden dit leuk
New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries4 years ago

Forum general rules say don't use the forum; however, I will add them, none the less please don't use the forum for future inquiries.

BinExpert vinden dit leuk
New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries4 years ago

these are no rules to follow during a run, but for submitting and or handling information needed from the runner. These rules do not have a major consequence but breaking the multiple times will be a problem.

  1. Do NOT ask for your run to be verified, we are given 2-3 weeks to verify all runs and we normally handle runs within 1-3 days if properly timed, and 3-5 if they need to be retimed.

  2. Do not use the forum for anything, the COD community is very transparent over at the discord ( the mods for the game use the forum to post updated rules and other things we find. It is not used for general questions, as it notifies everyone who is following the game and not just us mods.

  3. We have a very strict blacklist policy, in which if you are caught cheating (splicing, hacking, and any other form of advantage) you will be given a warning if it happens 3 times you will be retroactively blacklisted from the call of duty community. AKA all run you have submitted for all games will be pulled from COD related games. You will, however, be allowed to submit to other SRC games not related to COD.

  4. Posting of Guides and or resources must be passed through a mod first to reduce spam and incomplete work.

Any general questions about the rule list please contact me (KunoDemetries) and or any of the mods alongside us. (ON DISCORD preferably)

Submitting a run is showing you understand/accept these rules.

BinExpert vinden dit leuk
New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries4 years ago

As it has come to my attention that it was not stated.

  • The location of livesplit must not be in the left corner as shown in this photo ( This rule has been added as it obstructs the ability to be retimed and your run will either be denied or retimed based on the loading screen ends. (In some levels it's easier to retime then others)

If you have a run submitted in the next 2 days they will not be denied as we assume you did not see this right away.

BinExpert vinden dit leuk
New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries4 years ago

Whenever you submit a run and the tab bit saying "time it would take to generally do a run" is in real-time aka RTA. Please do not submit your run time as the IGT as the block is in RTA.

New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries4 years ago

Two users are now allowed to race between themselves during the marathon itself. To submit a race submit it as a coop run and just put in the "availability" tab as RACE. It is the users who have to agree on a common time and not the marathon moderation team. Whatever time you submit will most likely be abided.

  • Please try to supply a shoutcaster
New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries4 years ago

For the marathon call of duty Zombies, runs have been allowed to be submitted but must meet these requirements

  • must be longer than 25 minutes in length, but shorter than an hour-an hour and a half.
  • can be singleplayer, but recommended to have at least 2 people
New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries4 years ago

This is basic information about the marathon and other info that's recommended to know:

  • This is a "test the water" marathon meaning we are pretty new to setting things up
  • The donations will be 100% transparent and I will read off all of the money donated (if there is any)
  • The donations will be mainly used to send runners to marathons, or pay for certain runners to have better equipment (this is generally used for 2-3-year-old runners)
  • The marathon is 48 hours straight
  • We have a foreign language block for runners who's native language is not English, for our English speaking viewers we will have an on-screen translator
  • Each game will be allowed to be played two different times throughout the marathon, at least 12 hours apart. (Except for the foreign language block and restream block.)
  • The restream block is for runners who are unable to properly stream and is generally used for our Russian runners, but if you would like to submit for this block submit as "restream" in the availability information tab
  • Co-Op based runs are allowed
  • Submissions close on 1/13/2019 at 1 pm central standard time
  • IL runs are not allowed
New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries4 years ago

These are for submitting your run and some general necessity:

  • You must of at least have a verified run for the game you are submitting
  • Have the ability to stream minimum at 720p30fps
  • Outside of the foreign language block be able to speak English
  • Facecam is not mandatory, but it is recommended
  • Submissions are time-sensitive and we will generally verify the first submitted runs unless we choose otherwise.
topic: The Site
New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries4 years ago

The CoD Community wants to do a CoD only marathon every two months called "CODaTHON." • Online Based • The marathon itself is just so we have a community-based marathon to give COD more of positive reinforcement and to raise funds to pay for runners to go to events like GDQ and ESA • Our first marathon is set to happen on the 24th -26th of January 2020, and we have a very quick and dirty schedule here ( ) We have the Restream section which is for the runners who can't participate normally. • The stream channel is • Our moderators will be myself, @HalfOfAKebab, and @NotJohn

Also, A lot of the cod games are around 2-3 hours in real-time.

ShikenNuggets vinden dit leuk
New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries4 years ago

please read general rules before making a forum post ( ; you are allowed to skip all available cutscenes. your run will be retimed by a moderator afterward

BinExpert vinden dit leuk
New Orleans, LA, USAKunoDemetries4 years ago

I have updated the discord link if you would like to join. There is an active asl inside the discord in which I cannot post directly in there. Whenever you join I will walk you through the setup for it

Over KunoDemetries
I maka da ASLs
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