California, USAHouselessGamer3 years ago

Since Twitch mutes Super Metroid vods, will this be a problem for submitting runs when using the Twitch vod as the submission?

I don't have a current vod to show because i deleted it to avoid any issues with Twitch. I also suspect that if Twitch mutes, so will YouTube.

topic: The Site
California, USAHouselessGamer3 years ago

This was done on Chrome. I'm sure there is people here that are browsing the forums wondering how the heck to login after logging in and getting the welcome message & then nothing happening.

Next to the URL while on SRcom, there is a padlock next to it. CLICK IT.>Cookies>SRcom>Remove/Delete then ctrl+F5 (or hard refresh, meaning refresh the catch, not just reload) then you can login.

Jerien vinden dit leuk
California, USAHouselessGamer7 years ago

Suggested Route to remove Shotgun + Save Chest

Route Requires: One to no bite basement, One to no hits taken at first nem encounter.

RE3 Nem% Rough Notes:

Pick up Both AA at Warehouse

At Combo of Lighter+ Fluid, use one A to make handgun rounds. Should have 45 handgun bullets

pick up A & B at save room before RPD

During Nem Fight when Reloading handgun Combo the A & B to make G. Rounds. Should finish with 14 handgun rounds left.

Inside RPD Pick up A from locker inside save room before the stairs. Combo AA together then in to g. rounds for 12 flame rounds. Left over 4 G. Rounds. Have to do this to have room for G. Launcher, Lock Pick & FAS.

At Nem. Eqp G. Launcher, Combo Flame Rounds.

After Nem Fight: Eqp Handgun. Place 4 & 6 Grounds together. Combo them in to G. Launcher

Save room at Garage pick up hand gun rounds off table. One slot open

At Kitchen wait out event, use carlos as a meat shield. At start of fight if you had a good RPD Nem, the first 14 handgun rounds should be enough to knock him down first time. 14 or 15 2ed clip. may have to waste one bullet to make space. If you're able to clip him & finish with fine status, If you have to pick up the FAS Pack, Reset. it won't let you pick up battery cable after pharmacy.

Save Room Pick up Crank. Inventory should be Handgun with 15 rounds, Tool,. Lighter, Pick, G. Launcher with 10 normal rounds, Blue Gem + Crank, One Slot open for Green Gem

At Gas Station pick up FAS, Save for Power Plant Nem Fight. Pick UP AAA if you have to (you want it at the pharmacy instead)

At Power Plant Nem Fight. Normal Hand Gun. Use Explosive on wall. 14 hand gun rounds plus one normal g. round to bring him down, wait till he gets up. 8 Normal g. rounds to finish him.

After Power Plant before Garage save room, run past the car so zombie will pop out later to grab the free G. Rounds there.Mix later for flame rounds

Everything else should fall in to place. These are just one run up to pharmacy notes.

California, USAHouselessGamer7 years ago

Wish there was a link instead of the game being horded away and handed secretly to a select few. Hard to say yes or no otherwise.

California, USAHouselessGamer7 years ago

I only use ePSXe sorry, can't help about the Yabause problem

California, USAHouselessGamer8 years ago

My two cents. I'm not normally active on the forums but i would feel that Infinite Ammo would remove the game skill cap some, leaving quick shooting as the only true skill cap. Infinite Ammo would remove a lot of the RNG yes, but then whats the point if Ammo RNG is removed? at that point it may as well be Light/Easy mode.

California, USAHouselessGamer9 years ago

Win7 HP i3 330m @2.13 4gb RAM Intel HD

Mediakite version

I use xsplit for when streaming RE3. The only time i ever get any "lag" as in fps loss is when i have too many things open for stream (like live split + hp display thing plus a input visual etc) aside from that the game runs fine if its just the game and the HP/timer or just the game and livesplit and chat.

I currently use 700kbp as my upload ¤Gasp¤ the only thing that changes in my streaming set up is what FPS i wanna use. If imma do 30/29.97 at 480/540 usually 432 and 50/60fps at 360

topic: The Site
California, USAHouselessGamer9 years ago

I'm requesting to be removed from all boards I'm currently mod of, being Streets of Rage 1, 3 & 3. Thanks!

YUMmy_Bacon5 vinden dit leuk
Over HouselessGamer
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