Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

I thought this day would never come, I was instantly excited to see that notification! Also I'd love to have Patatoes on the mod team, they are very experienced with the game and would make a good fit I think.

Patatoes en BlackAxonYT vindt dit leuk
Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

Woke up to see that the new page for the steam version of anger foot being up, I'm very happy to see this! I have to go to work soon but once I get back later I'd assist in moving runs over.

ytilaeR, Patatoes en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

It's a shame that theirs got rejected too for some reason, I'm personally going to be filling one of those out myself, you do need at least two social media accounts attached to your speedrun account and I only have one at the moment, I've been wanting to join the streamer party for a while now so I'm going to be up on twitch soon enough, I'm probably going to have one by tonight at some point but again I'll fill out one of those request forms here soon and I hope that they accept it, you'd think that if multiple people are sending one in then they'd verify one of them but it makes sense because the game page would need a moderator to start and isn't going to appoint one so it makes sense that they'd require a mod to send one in.

Also in other news, yeah I'm surprisingly not a part of the Free Lives discord yet, I'll join you guys over there later today for sure!

Patatoes vinden dit leuk
Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

So no updates as of yet but I'm going to pester to make that happen, since I'm a mod I should be able to make it happen, I was just waiting to see if Patatoes request would be accepted but alas it was not. I'll put in a request tonight and we should get a response within 2-3 weeks hopefully!

Thanks to all who have been patient with this! I'm hoping to have it up and running as soon as possible but that all really comes down to helping expedite the situation, so fingers crossed and as soon as I find out anything I'll be sure to make a post about it to inform everybody.

Patatoes vinden dit leuk
Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

Noted, you're one of, if not the one biggest credible source for this game, at least for me anyways, I definitely respect your opinion when it comes to this game. So I'm thinking about removing those runs here soon, I still haven't reached out the Davdus about this, I just don't want to do that without giving them a heads up about the changes that will be done but I agree I believe that removing those runs is for the best overall, I really would like to just solve the issues with the leaderboards but that'll take time to do, I just don't have to time to do that task right now, plus it's going to be a really big chore to get it the way that I'd like and I'm definitely waiting on doing anything with that until we can get a new page for the steam version to make it an easier task. Hopefully it's going to be sooner than later but time will tell.

Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

That is so amazing!! I really hope to see more tas runs of this game!! And I look forward to any new strategies for potential time save that they may discover, speaking of discovering though.

I found out just today how difficult this game can be again, I saw that Whaps put up a forum saying that the new update has nerfed the corridor blasters and let me tell you that it's pretty rough, there is quite the difference between the versions now so we may need to make adjustments to the leaderboards due to this new issue, my PB on lvl 1 is now 6.49sec which took me almost an hour to get, this new update has made quite the impact for the speedrunners for sure.

Patatoes vinden dit leuk
Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

So here's my best attempt after an hour or so of trying, I'm thinking that we do need to change the leaderboards to fix this problem but again I'd like to discuss this with Davdus before doing so.

Patatoes vinden dit leuk
Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

Hey Whaps, so upon playing the new update for myself for a while I do see what you mean about the change to the corridor blasters, it is quite different and I'm having a hard time getting close to any of the runs that are up on speedrun from the last update.

I think that removing those runs should be considered due to this issue, but I'm not going to do it right away, I would like to see if any runs come in that could help prove me wrong about this but I really do think that removing those runs should happen.

Thanks for letting me know about this new issue and hopefully we hear other people's opinions about this matter, I also would like to discuss this topic with Davdus before making the adjustment to the leaderboards.

Patatoes vinden dit leuk
Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

Hello to everybody as well,

So I've seen the Anger Foot community growing since the launch the the Steam Demo and I'm very happy to see this, I was also talking to Patatoes and saw the post in forums talking more about this and I agree with Patatoes, all the ruling is pretty straight forward, so as far as getting a new page for the new version that will have to wait, I heard Patatoes already put in the request so I have not put one in for myself as only one needs to be verified to make that happen.

So until we hear back from them with that for the time being I made the respective categories for the Steam Demo version on the regular leaderboards, because of this issue where the game versions are vastly different they're in their own categories, I just made them and put them right after the Legacy version categories so you just have to scroll down, I apologize for them being in a weird spot but once we can get that other page up and going I can move them over to the other one but again for now the categories are made and set to go.

I also made those new categories for the leaderboards prior to seeing this new forum post so the work is already done, so all the runs from the last week have been verified and people can keep sending in runs for the Steam Demo version, I would like to have this other page up and running sooner than later but we're at the mercy of speedrun to make that happen so fingers crossed we hear back soon!

Romkar en Patatoes vindt dit leuk
run: Amelite
Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

Thanks LeMorrow! Been making my way through slowly but surely, I'm trying to beat all the WRs using that more creative platforming style, having a lot of fun with it!

Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

I think this is a good idea as well, I'll go ahead and make that change because honestly I believe that those will be empty forever. won't have a category for every little idea so cleaning up the leaderboards to make it more presentable sounds excellent!

Also I agree with Axsters too, Patatoes you truly are the Anger Foot God, and you've worked hard for that title and I'm very happy to see that someone else took this game as seriously as I did, now all we have to do is get you to join speedrunning Teardown, I know no promises but you should look into it for sure!

Patatoes en BlackAxonYT vindt dit leuk
Washington, USADylenoyer942 years ago

Hey sorry for the absence, I've been busy irl and also my PC was out of order for about a week as well, it's back up and running thankfully.

So I really like the idea for this category but as it stands right now I'm unsure how to get the leaderboard to use variables so I'll keep looking into that, though if there would be a pacifist category then I'd like to make sure that it's possible in the first place and if some levels cannot be completed without any enemy deaths then it'd have to be a lowest kills category. Again I like the idea but I'm still trying to figure out how to make that change on the leaderboards. I'll let you guys know if I work it out but as of right now I can't make it work correctly so that'll have to wait.

On a side note, great job with all those runs so far Patatoes! I've seen them via youtube and it's just a cool challenge in general, I haven't gotten around to doing any attempts myself but I'm certainly intrigued! Also for some of the levels that you haven't beaten without kills could you walk backwards to make some enemies not attack like I've seen you do before, not sure if that crossed your mind already but I figured I'd ask.

Patatoes vinden dit leuk
Washington, USADylenoyer942 years ago

Hey congrats on beating WR! So I haven't experienced that bug myself, that is very interesting though, was it noticeable during gameplay or only when you pause?

Washington, USADylenoyer942 years ago

That is sad to hear, though making a tas takes a lot of work so maybe they just haven't gave any updates yet, and yes I hope that the full release of the game will bring more people to the community!

Patatoes vinden dit leuk
Washington, USADylenoyer942 years ago

I honestly didn't know about all those differences between those versions, thank you for clearing that up Patatoes!

Also you mentioned a while ago that you were talking to somebody from the freelives discord about making a tas for this game, do you know if they've made progress on that by chance?

Patatoes vinden dit leuk
Washington, USADylenoyer942 years ago

I wasn't able to replicate after seeing the footage of what happened myself but I'll try to mess around with it a little more, but yeah I do have a strong feeling that it has something to do with the boosting into the doors at a certain angle, and you may be right about one of the requirements for this strat is the door being really close to a corner as well, out of all the times I've seen this happen I believe that it's always occurred with a door in a corner and for clipping in this level maybe it's just me but I feel like you die faster in this area, maybe the kill zone is closer and that makes it harder to use this efficiently and if we can decipher how this happens we could potentially save time on every level with a strat like this!

Patatoes vinden dit leuk
Washington, USADylenoyer942 years ago

And here's the second one

Patatoes vinden dit leuk
Washington, USADylenoyer942 years ago

Here's the first one

Patatoes vinden dit leuk
Washington, USADylenoyer942 years ago

While speedrunning this level earlier I accidently found two spots to clip out of bounds, not sure what's ahppening but I believe it may have something to do with boosting into the doors at a certain angle but that's just my best guess.

Patatoes vinden dit leuk
Over Dylenoyer94
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